Archives For April 2003

it is as hot as hell here, just went to drop my daughter to the movies, first time i left my house for the weekend. scorchingly hot.

and the hills are on fire. everywhere you look, there are brush fires or the remains of brush fires, at night it’s really pretty to behold but as with a lot of other things the cold harsh reality of daylight… it’s really sad.

other comment, i loathe not having my own car, especially on long weekends. not so much for the freedom of being able to go where i want to and when, but for the security of having my life in my own hands.

it’s bad enough most people drive like assholes, but the asshole quotient seems to double, no fuck that quadraple, at least on a holiday weekend. my god, have these fuckers heard of defensive drive? signalling? what the fuck?

road rage is a concept very near and dear to my heart, i’m externally greatful i don’t drive a truck, cause some of the shit i see on the road, i will run your fucking ass over.

breathe, relax, the weekend was going so well. 🙂

yay, vic on a successful sortie in to wilds of sw florida to restore the books, toys, cds and dvds to our household. but especially the books,i love you darling. and a special thank you andrea, for putting up with my worry wart ways.

day 12

April 19, 2003 — Leave a comment

i forgot, passover greetings to anyone who is celebrating.

yesterday was a truly enjoyable. it’s obvious i must be antisocial, i spent all day at home mostly alone, reading, napping, watching mindless television.

it was great. i realised how much i missed being home during the day. sigh.

i did however find something to bitch about yesterday and it continues into this morning…


TSTT, trinidad’s evil empire… these fuckers advertised all week that their help desk would be closed all weekend and then what happens?

the connection to any server outside trinidad goes down… no im, no web access, no email, nada. and you can’t call and inform them of the problem, because they’re closed.


i get up this morning, it’s back, it works for five minutes and then i get disconnected and we’re back to having no international net access…

there are some advantages to being a geek, back up accounts and all…

or maybe it’s a sign i’m spending too much time online?

you like me, you really like me…

i want to thank all the people that come here and visit and comment either here or via email or im.

i’m having a lot of fun writing this and it really helps me keep my head above water.

it is a catharsis.

day eleven

April 18, 2003 — Leave a comment

thought i posted earlier, guess i didn’t.

good friday and beltane greetings for those of you who believe…

it’s midday and i’m pondering my food choices. my lapsed catholic self is debating some fish type menu, but… the operative word is lapsed.

anyway in the mean time i’ve started reading the binding chair, forget the author, i’ll get back you on it later. but i’ve just stated and this book is incredibly well written. i’ll keep you posted. sometimes these books start off really well and then fall short.

for those that you don’t know most christian high holy days are really conversions of pagan holy days and beltane also known as roodmas or may day was basically a fertility rite, which is why bunnies and eggs are common easter symbols.

i’m in info sharing mode this morning… check this link out, just ignore the fucking midi file… beltane

so i managed to slog through the day. i was actually productive, well at least that’s what i’ve been telling myself.

at this point i should be sleeping but i’m a that point where i’m so tired i’m not sleepy.

my brain is fried, because i can’t really come up with anything witty or even marginally funny at the moment, so on that not i bid you all a fond adeiu.

wait, wait, wait…

one more thing… all the people that have been visiting, thank you, and i hope you’re enjoying it.

actually completely sober. i’ve been looking over my drunken post and i’m not taking anything back.

i’m not hung over (alcholic genes be praised), thirsty as all hell but that’s the side effect.

what i am is sleepy, so well see how that works out today, bearing in mind i have all this material to finish for a presentation, gratefully i got some sort of start yesterday. an aside… i have never come across and workplace so inappropriately named…

one of these days i’ll explain. i not quite ready to embarrass the people and them in a public forum. laughable as it is, they still paying me.

i’m now official late, so i should get off my expansive ass, bathe and going to work.

more from the battlefield later

day ten

April 16, 2003 — Leave a comment

my first drunk post. not stinkingly drunk, just mildly ineberated…

a couple of observations…
the moon is full, and beautiful

and if you’re bisexual and you’re sitting on the fence there is always something hard between your legs…

ponder on that for a moment.

i had a great time tonight, kisses to k, gen, simone, niam and all the other people who were sharing that lone air conditioning duct. looking forward to doing this again.

the letter for today is V, blah, blah, blah…

vagina, virgin, vestial, vestibule, very, vary, vargries, vacancy, vagrant, vulva, varicose, vend, victory, vice, vowel, voracious, vent, venice, vocal, voice, village, verily, veto, vote, van, vantage, vile, verge…

not a bad list for someone who should be in bed sleeping…

i have working in the morning (later), not just showing up for working mind you, a number of designs for a presentation that need to be finished before the long weekend…

another thought…

bisexuality is the best of all worlds…

day nine

April 16, 2003 — Leave a comment

happy birthday K.

another day, another dollar, well a few cents at least. i’m hanging out with my friend K tonight, it’s her birthday and we’re going to party like it’s her birthday.

should be interesting to say the least, she’s a member of the cult of sappho (figure it out your damn self) and we’re going to one of her fave hangouts.

does it matter that i have work in the morning? Oh hell No! i need this evening out. i’m just barely hanging on.

just a quick post before i head off to work.

today’s letter of the day is ‘F’

first, frank, faust, fickle, friendly, funk, fragile, fibula, fist, finger, flap, foreign, finangle, forte, feeble, fancy, fornicate, fend, fence, fuck…

knock yourself out, try to ignore the assholes and find something positive to focus on today.

we’ll see how well that works for me…

he he. too much star trek.

in further geek news… the matrix reloaded opens a month from today.

anyway back to smallville.

a fond adieu to you all.