Archives For January 2004

it’s about damn time

January 31, 2004 — Leave a comment

douglas adam fans of the world unite and cheer, casting and production have begun on The Hitchhiker`s Guide to the Galaxy movie.

it`s going to be a mostly english production with a few surprises not the least of which is Mos Def as Ford Prefect.

other roles cast include Zooey Deschanel as Trillian, Martin Freeman of The Office as Arthur Dent and Bill Nighy as fjord builder Slartibartfast.

if none of this makes any sense to you, that`s ok. just go see the movie when it premieres then read the books.

that is all.

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i`m thankful for the friends and well-wishers this week. wednesday was really a low point for me, but since then i`ve gotten a lot of support. things are under control, not entirely through my own machinations, but because people have stepped up to help me. from the smallest offer to say a prayer to material contributions.

i want to say thank you. thank you for believing in us. thank you for your support and kindness and generosity.

If you could go back to any age, what age would you choose and WHY?

i wouldn`t actually. i`m pretty happy with me right now. well i would go back about three years and suggest a different course of action but otherwise, every step in my life that has brought me here, is a learning and growth purpose.

every stumbling block, every adversity, everything has happened for a purpose. it may not be clear to me right now, but i can look back on it and work out the lesson.

i`m happier now than i`ve ever been in my life, set backs aside. why would i want to give that up?

we were shooting in the airport this morning, so i took a golden opportunity to get on a scale.

it`s a good thing my heavy ass doesn`t have fucking heart problems. i have hit a benchmark that has always been my upper marker.

i am three hundred pounds. i`m traumatised. the fact that i don`t look it, offers me little comfort. i think i lost weight as well, so does this mean i was over three hundred pounds before?

i don`t have body image issues but in terms of health, i need to lose this weight. it was my aim to get into the 240 – 250 range by the end of the year, i`m going to be working on that with renew vigour.

three hundred pounds, what the fuck!

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work in progress

January 29, 2004 — Leave a comment

two more photo shoots wrapped. i can expect delivery of my cds in the morning with my images at the 7am call. i should go to be early tonight, stayed up until 2 am talking to vic, planning and trying to figure out what we`re going to do.

i managed to get everything i needed to done for plan to be at least marginally successful. i got fingerprinted, got it fedexed to trinidad. hopefully i`ll get it back by next wednesday.

now i just need to work out how i`m paying for my ticket. today was a lot better. even though we were shooting small children. the old adage never work with animals and small children, i think is even more applicable in an advertising environment.

we were working with a five year old this morning and managed to get her co-operative for about an hour at which point she declared she was bored and didn`t want to do anymore. a little coaxing and we got a few more images that were useful.

this afternoon we had the pleasure of a three year old boy, he was cute but he`d missed his afternoon nap and was in no mood to play nice after 45 minutes. we figure we can photoshop together what we need from the images we have.

it`s always so entertaining to see the finished product. all the retouching, all the touch ups, a nip here, a tuck there. this is why i said the first matrix is advertising. nothing you see is real, it is all an illusion.

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instant gratification

January 29, 2004 — Leave a comment

in all my rage yesterday, i forgot to mention that both the shoots yesterday went well.

the really cool thing is that the photographer is shooting digital. he`s got a 22 megapixel digital back connected via firewire to his laptop. it`s a modified 4×5 camera with a digital processor where the film loader would be and shoots in raw format

talk about instant gratification. we could move people around, lights, anything we needed. shoot, preview, adjust shoot, again. it`s fantastic.

i`ve always know about the system but this is the first time i`ve seen it in use. i got cds full of images the morning shoot when i got to the evening shoot. i`m thrilled by the possibilities.

i have two more photo shoots today, in between which i need to get fingerprinted, get them notarised and faxed to trinidad, of course on par with everything else, nothing is easy, i have to go to downtown kingston, not a trip i`m looking forward to.

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showered, fed, doing breathing exercises.

i am the man with a plan.

this too shall pass.

i have one plan and if i have one plan, that means i`ll come up with others and sure enough they`re already forming.

or as uncle says `one more thing`

it`s always one more thing isn`t it.

fuck! fuck! fuck! fuck! fuck! fuck! fuck! fuck! fuck! fuck! fuck! fuck! fuck! fuck! fuck! fuck! fuck! fuck! fuck! fuck! fuck! fuck! fuck! fuck! fuck! fuck! fuck! fuck! fuck! fuck! fuck! fuck! fuck! fuck! fuck! fuck! fuck! fuck! fuck! fuck! fuck! fuck! fuck! fuck! fuck! fuck! fuck! fuck! fuck! fuck! fuck! fuck! fuck! fuck! fuck! fuck! fuck! fuck! fuck! fuck! fuck! fuck! fuck! fuck! fuck! fuck! fuck! fuck! fuck! fuck! fuck! fuck!


nothing is ever fucking easy. after how many phone calls to the embassy and promises to call as soon as they have my packet and a fucking call today, mind you. no we don`t have your packet. fucking morons.

vic gets a call to say, oh yeah, we have the packet but you`re certificate of character is out of date and needs to be renewed before we can issue your visa and btw you have to do this before feb 9 or you`ll have to do your medical over and if you don`t mind you have to come in, in person.

there a few problems with all of this:

1. i can`t afford to go back to trinidad to get another certificate.

1b. [update] i don`t have to go, i just can get it updated, but it`s going to take two weeks.

2. i can`t really afford to barbados [but i`m going to have to]

2b. i can`t afford to take the time off to fly to bardbados either.

3. if i miss the window, [which gives me all of next week to get the shit together, while doing this current project which needs to be finished by feb 6] which is feb 9, i can`t afford to do another medical again either.

so at any angle we have been ass fucked with a sandpaper and barbed wire condom without so much as a peck on the cheek.

if anyone has any suggestions, i`m willing to listen.

i have a plan, but all the variables are completely out of my control and the blood is thumping a little to loudly in my temples at the moment for me to come up with alternate version.

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and so it begins

January 28, 2004 — Leave a comment

today marks the beginning of four days of location photography.

my first photo shoot here starts in about two hours. i`m a little nervous, i`ve never worked with this photographer before, we`re shooting models on location, also new to me.

but this is what i live for, the challenge. the concept is done and approved, this is the execution, the details, making sure everything is the way you want it, all of it has to pull together.

from my limited interaction with the photographer he seems skilled and willing to take instructions. i really hate the know it all ones who ignore your suggestions. but i suppose i use the same argument, you`re the client, i`m the professional, fuck off and let me do my job.

i`m looking forward to the next couple of days. i`m not an adrenaline junkie, per se, but i do enjoy working under pressure and the thrill of the deadline. and this job is going to the wire. after the four days of photography, i have to produce finished art for outdoor material – bus sides, bus backs, billboards, plus newspaper advertising in time for the launch feb 8. tentative approval date for client is a week from today.

i`m not sure why all of this makes me so giddy, if it`s my first campaign here, the general quality of the work, my level of involvement in the project or all of the above. i feel good about it and not that i don`t always give my best, but there`s a little extra effort on my part to make sure that it all comes together on time.

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i`m serious.

prostitution should be legal and taxed. george carlin summed it up best, “fucking is legal, selling is legal, why shouldn`t selling fucking be legal?”

seriously, i think it would help on various levels. in an ideal society, you`d have to be of legal age, get registered, get tested regularly, display your certificates, a simple supply and demand situation.

with the age verification and registration it should help keep anyone underage out of the business. it`s not necessarily going to stop some sexual offenders, but in the case of violent clients, it can be reported and anyone still found trading sex slaves and paying for sex with children, can be lost in the deepest darkest dungeon.

i`m still processing this on a purely emotional level, i suppose it would require some investigation, but i think it`s a viable idea.

we need to start with education however. there are too many hang ups about sexuality.

we need to start with our children, i`m not saying teach them the karma sutra, but we have to get to recognise their bodies without shame or stigma, none of the pee pee and na na, bullshit. teach them about their bodies, how to identify it and what an appropriate touch is.

as they grow older teach about the choices, abstinence is an ideal, but we were all teenagers once, so it would better to equip the with all the facts and try to stop burdening them with guilt.

we need to put aside our own hang ups as well, the systems we have in place now are not working, can it really hurt to try something else?

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