Archives For January 2016

Animal Themes

January 18, 2016 — Leave a comment

Today is my 14th wedding anniversary and as expected with birthdays and anniversaries, it’s always a time of reflection. We spent the first two years of our marriage apart and a few days before we officially began our lives together I posted this:

vic and i are not living in a fairy tale and we know that. things are not going to be peachy and perfect all the time. we both have our off days, luckily we seem to have them when we can provide the most support to each other.

we`re both strong willed people and we`re both accustomed to doing things a certain way, we`re sure it`s going to take some getting used to. 

what we have going for us, is our ability to talk about anything without discomfort or contention. we expect there will be problems, but we also thing we can sit and talk about them and work them out. there are going to be external forces to deal with as well, but we will try and work those out in the safest possible manner for us and that`s a family us.

we`re going to try and deal with each day as it comes. we have shared long term goals that we`ll be working towards when i get settled. in the interim, it`s about learning to live with each other and getting comfortable sharing a physical space.

i know it`s not going to be perfect all the time but i think if we abide the rule to not go to bed angry, i think we can face whatever challenges come up, together.

It’s been 12 years since I wrote that and in that time we’ve faced a number of challenges and seem to come out stronger and better for it. Thank you Victoria for choosing to make this journey with me. I’m looking forward to more adventures with you.

days between when I first experienced hip pain and surgery to resolve said pain: 165

days since my surgery: 200

days without any kind of hip pain: 0

days since we moved to Knoxville: 127

days at my new store: 116

days until graduation: 127

days until classes start: 18

credits needed to graduate: 10

number of classes being taken: 3

may the numbers be in your favor.