Archives For word games

day ten

April 16, 2003 — Leave a comment

my first drunk post. not stinkingly drunk, just mildly ineberated…

a couple of observations…
the moon is full, and beautiful

and if you’re bisexual and you’re sitting on the fence there is always something hard between your legs…

ponder on that for a moment.

i had a great time tonight, kisses to k, gen, simone, niam and all the other people who were sharing that lone air conditioning duct. looking forward to doing this again.

the letter for today is V, blah, blah, blah…

vagina, virgin, vestial, vestibule, very, vary, vargries, vacancy, vagrant, vulva, varicose, vend, victory, vice, vowel, voracious, vent, venice, vocal, voice, village, verily, veto, vote, van, vantage, vile, verge…

not a bad list for someone who should be in bed sleeping…

i have working in the morning (later), not just showing up for working mind you, a number of designs for a presentation that need to be finished before the long weekend…

another thought…

bisexuality is the best of all worlds…

just a quick post before i head off to work.

today’s letter of the day is ‘F’

first, frank, faust, fickle, friendly, funk, fragile, fibula, fist, finger, flap, foreign, finangle, forte, feeble, fancy, fornicate, fend, fence, fuck…

knock yourself out, try to ignore the assholes and find something positive to focus on today.

we’ll see how well that works for me…

day eight

April 15, 2003 — Leave a comment

well this has been a 50 | 50 day, my job still sucks, but i just sent one of my best freelance pieces on it’s way to turkey. it’s beautifully printed.

so i’m pretty much cruising this evening. satisfaction comes in the simplest of sources sometimes.

in other news, i was listening to the radio in a taxi on the way home, and it was tuned to one of the religious stations and a pastor who shall be hereafter called ‘moreover’ rant about what a bunch of adulterous heathens all of us people who divorced and remarried but the kicker was about the woman’s role. basically, if your husband is beating you, stick around, it’s your biblical role to take some blows. i was in too good a mood to flip out, smack the taxi driver and demand he change that station.

which brings me to the question of the day, do people actually believe this? what sort of god would condone this?

this rant is brought to you by the letter M, used in words like magnificent, married, moral, mighty, moron, morose, munch, mental, mince, monday, meeting, mandate, more…

thank you and good night.

day seven

April 14, 2003 — Leave a comment

this blog is brought to you today by the letter: G

‘G’ is the first letter in the words: generous, giving, gregarious, gracious, gargantuan, gothic, galvanise, gather, goad, gore, gonad, glorious, glowing, gay, gray, grain, genius.

nothing like mental stimuli to get the day started, please feel free to contribute you words. if i don’t find a way to keep myself entertained, i’ll hate myself even more for going to this crappy job.

do you have any idea what it feels like to look at you pay cheque and laugh hysterically. i’m obviously not cut out for this, i hope i hear something from that other interview soon, i’m unchallenged and making money i could make freelance in less than 8 hours.

this sucks, not in a good way, but with teeth and the fumblings of an unwilling teenager.

i owe, i owe, so it’s off to work i go…