Archives For December 2008

filing, you’re doing it right

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whatever you’re celebrating at this time of year, all the best to you, may you find comfort and happiness with friends and family and if you’re travelling get to and from safely.

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i was thinking about the nature of conspiracy and what people believe.

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Hamlet in three minutes

December 14, 2008 — Leave a comment

The Three Minute Hamlet
Adam McNaughton

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Not so hostile takeover

December 10, 2008 — Leave a comment

Santa Claus [trading as St Nick on the holiday market] has been acquired by retail giant Wal-Mart

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Can I Get An Amen

December 5, 2008 — Leave a comment

Can I Get An Amen? is an audio installation that unfolds a critical perspective of perhaps the most sampled drum beat in the history of recorded music, the Amen Break.

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i went to a bookstore last night, and as we were walking out i observed a whole rack of books, all titled The Idiot`s guide to… and i thought to myself, why would i want an idiot`s guide to anything?

i know it`s about simplification, making it easy for the layman. however, the elitist snob in me, frowns upon the lowest common denominator. i work in a field that caters to the lowest common denominator and it sucks. the best and brightest ideas are throw by the wayside because the masses aren`t going to get it.

the masses are sheep, who are too lazy to think for themselves. is there where you want your decision making process? is this the kind of information you want to fill yourself with?

a friend once commented that i was an education snob, i don`t think that`s quite right. i cannot abide stupid and ignorant people. some people go to school for aeons and are still idiots, so it`s not about education, it`s about intelligence and using it.

i mean, i`m not special, i have the same brain as everyone else, i have access to the same volumes of information as everyone else, why don`t more people use it? why are people so willing to let others make decisions or tell them what to do all the time?

respect and protect

December 1, 2008 — 1 Comment

2008 marks the 20th anniversary of World AIDS Day. Since 1988, the face and response to AIDS has greatly changed. While many of these changes are positive, this anniversary offers us an opportunity to highlight how much more still needs to be done.
For example:
Leaders in most countries from around the world now acknowledge the threat of AIDS, and many have committed to do something about it. As of 2007, nearly all countries have national policies on HIV. However, despite these policies, most have not been fully implemented and many lack funding allocations.
While treatment for HIV and AIDS has improved and become more widespread since 1988, many still do not have access to it – in 2007 only 31% of those in low- to middle-income countries who need treatment received it.
Despite HIV awareness now reaching nearly all areas of the globe, infection rates are still happening 2.7 times faster than the increase in number of people receiving treatment.
While the number of countries protecting people living with HIV continue to increase, one third of countries still lack legal protections and stigma and discrimination continues to be a major threat to universal access.
More broadly, real action on HIV and AIDS and human rights remains lacking. Legal barriers to HIV services still exist for groups such as women, adolescents, sex workers, people who use drugs, and men having sex with men, and programmatic responses promoting HIV-related human rights have yet to be prioritised.

for more information visit World Aids Campaign