Archives For beltane

day eleven

April 18, 2003 — Leave a comment

thought i posted earlier, guess i didn’t.

good friday and beltane greetings for those of you who believe…

it’s midday and i’m pondering my food choices. my lapsed catholic self is debating some fish type menu, but… the operative word is lapsed.

anyway in the mean time i’ve started reading the binding chair, forget the author, i’ll get back you on it later. but i’ve just stated and this book is incredibly well written. i’ll keep you posted. sometimes these books start off really well and then fall short.

for those that you don’t know most christian high holy days are really conversions of pagan holy days and beltane also known as roodmas or may day was basically a fertility rite, which is why bunnies and eggs are common easter symbols.

i’m in info sharing mode this morning… check this link out, just ignore the fucking midi file… beltane