Archives For f1

i’ve never been big on team sports because fundamentally i’m not a people person. i was also the fat kid for a while so i didn’t get picked for shit. at the onset of puberty i got tall and thin but i’d already been burned so i took up distance running and i like it. you kept your own counsel and you were entirely motivated and driven by yourself. i like it so much i ran and 5k and 10k races, the one thing they don’t tell you about road running is how much it destroys your knees. and that when i stopped besides this long before the ipod when sony walkmen was still ridiculously expensive and the only thing accompanying your run was the sound of your own laboured breathing. this weekend was the country music half and full marathon and i’m seriously considering participating next year. i don’t have anywhere near the body i had in my late teens and early twenties and my knees are likely to hate me for months after, but i’ve never done a half marathon and i don’t have to run all 13 miles. we’ll see.

when i first started this post i was planning on talking about the sports that i watch on television and some how got sidetracked. i am first and foremost a formula one fan. forget nascar, forget irl, this is a good as it gets in motor-racing. i get up early or stay up late to watch races and qualifying, i’ve stuck by my team through thick and thin although during my current fandom, my team has done pretty well. there are two comparisons i like to draw between formula 1 and all other sports particularly in the last year. the first was the patriots got caught and fined for cheating about the same time as mclaren (one of the premiere teams in f1), the patriots fine? $500K and a first round draft pick. construed by most as a slap on the wrist. mclaren’s file? $100M which includes a portion of their tv revenues as well as their race winnings and forfeit of their constructor points for the season (effectively putting them in the worst garage at each event). f1 doesn’t operate in half measures.
the other comparison was the weekend nascar got cancelled in richmond because of rain, f1 was racing in japan, wait for it, in the rain. open wheel racing, 20 odd inches off the ground races in the rain, but stock cars can’t race in the rain, there is a disconnect somewhere.

i am also without shame an oakland raiders fan. i have been for over a decade. i’d never seen a game, i’d never seen a uniform and all my information about the team was based on the writings of hunter s. thompson and i was hooked. i actually watched the superbowl in ’01 i think and wrote about it here (somewhere in the archives, too lazy to look) for the singular reason that they were play. ‘football’ amuses me, because i grew in a country where we play rugby which makes this bunch of well padded athletes look like a bunch of pansy waists, but still i’m fascinated by this team run by a man who marches to the beat of his own drum come hell or high water.

the thrill of victory

October 26, 2007 — Leave a comment

last weekend saw the last race of the 2007 formula 1 season and it was fantastic. i’ll rarely watch sports on TV, if it’s on i’ll watch enough to keep track, otherwise i don’t generally set out to specific sporting events other than the Olympics and recently NFL football. but my one true sporting passion is formula 1. i’ve stayed up until the wee hours to watch races on the other side of the globe, i’ve been late because of qualifying and best of all, i’m made my family fans.

at the end of the 2006 season when 7 time world champion Michael Schumacher retired, i wondered what the 2007 season would bring. new drivers, new teams and a whole lot of title contenders. the 2007 season was not a disappointment, despite all the off track shenanigans, it was just amazing. at least two races decided by the weather, spectacular crashes and the drivers’ championship down to the wire, what was there not to love?

the coverage this season was lot better than the last. in the us, Formula 1 is broadcast on Speed TV, the practice sessions, the qualifying and with exception of four, all the races of the 2006 and 2007 season. in an effort to bring the sport to the masses, CBS tried in 2006 and Fox in 2007 to broadcast races on their respective networks. good idea, bad execution. both attempts boiled down to one fundamental problem, by forcing the broadcast team to explain the sport to viewers unaccustomed to it, they were alienating the core audience that knows how it works and really just want watch the race. the constant explanations, the firm grasp of the obvious was just irritating. combine that with trying to cram what is normally a three hour broadcast into two hours and broadcast times that fit network schedule and not necessarily a live broadcast, the recipe for disaster is complete.

Formula one returns to Speed TV next March (hopefully). 

find the other half of the cable guys here.


happy father’s day to all the fathers, expectant fathers, single moms, gay couples. anyone raising children. here’s to you.

yesterday was lovely, i joined the library. didn’t borrow anything though, i got my hair washed and basically did fuck all for the entire day. meaning all the shit i was supposed to do yesterday, i have to do today.

go see the children (hey i got gifts to collect), scout locations and get some ink. all of this around the canadian grand prix today. got to have some constants in my life (and i use the term loosely.)

in the mean time here are some links of interest (well i was going to post some links but everything was far too depressing for a sunday morning.)

i’m going to perform the morning ablutions and when i return i’ll make another attempt at posting links. ciao.

i am back

June 1, 2003 — Leave a comment

almost 24 hours. i’m so proud of myself. actually i’ve been logged on for almost two hours, but i’ve been catching on mail and other news, here are some links of interest… 

game for all my wordsmith friends 

ok so i broke the resolution about the tests. far too funny not to – how dodgy are you? 


Alright geezer! Fancy yourself as a bit tasty? It may be against the law, but what they don’t know won’t hurt ‘em eh? We know your heart’s in the right place… but watch out or that place may be a 3 to 5 stretch in Pentonville with ‘Mad’ Frank, Harry the Horse and ‘Wristy’ Rich Richardson. 

Based on your answers, we have calculated the maximum penalty for your crimes*: 
Years in prison: 83
Potential fine: £5000 

and to compromise here is a fresh link about sexuality – a few words on sex (la times, you have to register but it’s free) 

formula 1 today was fun, not as exciting, the drivers and constructors championship is still up in the air (newly scoring structure, making every race worth the points) and it’s interesting to watch ferarri struggle (the conspiracy theorist in me wonders if they haven’t been issued instructions on high to hold off on their winning ways to make the season more interesting – which it has been so far) 
although michael schumacher (ferarri lead driver and 5 time world champ for those of you who don’t know) has shown that he’s not infallible, his calm under pressure; in spain, the fuel nozzle caught fire, just behind his right shoulder, his only acknowledgement of this, was wiping the flame retardent off his visor and having to make another pitstop (he went on to win); is one of the reasons he’s still only four points off the drivers championship and still likely to win his 6th world championship this season. 

i also saw pieces of about a boy on cable this weekend (the middle and the end, not the beginning) and am now dying to re-read it. i have how to be good here, so i’ll make do with it. 

speaking of books, here is my amazon wishlist. 

i’m off to ponder my finances, btw if anyone knows how to add what music you’re listening to the contents of the blog, pls message me… thanks

not the stop and start like it has for the last couple of weeks, the true torrential downpour, the seems like the heavens are crying. i can hear it beating on the roof of the building. constantly, i love that sound but it makes me so sad, i can run out and run about and feel the rain against my face and i can’t curl up in bed and whisper sweet nothings as the rain sounds plays it accompaniment. 

there is still nothing for me to do here at work and my boss has left me in charge, so being the exlemplar, i can’t duck work now, walk home in the rain, dump my wet clothes on the floor and crawl into bed. 

i’m seeing the edge of the black pit of despair and hearing it’s siren song. i should go work on the screenplay as promised, but i don’t have the energy. 

look forward to the weekend a voice in my head whispers (you know you have them too, so don’t give me that look, when you start having conversations with them, then worry), i’m going to a party tomorrow and then going to finish (or at least continue) my tattoo, on saturday. it’s also a f1 weekend, so in all, quite a number of distractions in all. 

that means i just have to get through this afternoon, all day tomorrow. not as easy as it sounds. wait i have a cheesy novel in my bag, aha, the afternoon’s entertainments just presented itself. 


oh dear

May 16, 2003 — Leave a comment

so i didn’t pay the cable bill and it got disconnected, no big deal really, i can read, i can go online.

BUT… it’s a race weekend (formula one, need to see if ferarri can keep up their winning ways) and tuesday is the gilmore girls/smallville season finale.

what to do, what to do?

i’m off to see my tattoo artist in the morning, i’m feeling the calling… time for more ink, it’s going to big, it’s going to be elaborate, it’s going to hurt like a motherfucker.

the list of things i’m going to do this evening, now that i have no cable…

1. finish designing the new ink
2. finish watching welcome to collinwood
3. get back to the richard brautigan

i finished kathryn harrison’s the binding chair this morning and i should get back to the richard brautigan but it is national masturbation month so i’m starting aqua erotica edited by mary anne mohanraj instead. it’s a formula one sunday so i’ve been up since 7:30 watching the spanish grand prix.

what is it about depression and horniness. i seemed to have risen out of my funk, but now i’m incrdedibly horny. masturbation is a relief but it that’s about it. there is no joy in it anymore. and i’m orally fixated and there is really no substitute for that is there.

i’m supposed to go to a birthday party tonight but i’m wondering have i already partied too much on friday and do i need to go and see all these happy couples?

i’ve just made an observation watching F1, a lot of the ads are for hair loss products. i understand the car ads, the new porsche SUV (more on that in a minute) ads for upcoming stuff on the channel, but what are they saying, F1 fans are a bunch of middle aged guys who are losing their hair?

which brings me to the porsche SUV, what is the market for that? what is the point of it? as if there aren’t enough status symbols in the world do we need this? or i could just be jealous that i can’t afford one? what’s next a ferarri family sedan?

day 13

April 20, 2003 — Leave a comment

welcome oh welcome to our little play…

another scorcher of a day here, and another day of abject laziness, the only reason i’m up this early, is that there is formula one on tv. i’m a fan and that does not, according to a friend, make me eurotrash.

it’s been an interesting season so far and even without the accidents, today’s race was pretty exciting.

i’ll be back later with more interesting and informative comments on life in the tropics.
