Archives For dan savage

and some interesting insight from dan savage

rearing to go

May 27, 2003 — Leave a comment

i should be curled up in my bed ready to sleep, but due to some personality/biological quirk, i am bright eyed and bushy tailed but when i do crash it’s going to be hard. the fucking annual report is finally out of my hair, even though i had to give up my afternoon for it. so much my big laundry plans, i’m eyeing the pile of dirty clothes for the least dirty to wear. 

i’m getting a lot of attitude from the woman that hired me to do the job and i’m really regretting taking the job, if she tries to fuck me on this i’m going to be really upset. on to more pleasant thought, there is a picture of me at the media awards in my gallery, i’m on the very end in the red shirt and sarong (not that you can tell in the picture), next to me is karen, my accomplice. if you want to know who else is in the picture email me. 

speaking of sarongs vic wore hers for the first time today, the thought of which still has my heart racing, it was the only thing that prevented from going postal this afternoon. thank you vic. 

now that all the paying shit i have to do is out of my hair, i can cruise all my boards and the usual haunts and bring to you my loyal readers, links of interest and as it’s tuesday let’s start out with dan the man: 

savage love from the village voice (this week is extra special – trust me) 

nerve’s bad erotic fiction winners 

at last a smoking gun in iraq 

meanwhile in a non-oil rich portion of the world 

in lighter news 

other people’s stories 

finally proof that metafilter is evil (insert sinster laugh here) 

cake or death – a link to one of the funniest comedians on the planet 

and while we’re here my other fave comedian – george carlin 

there are more links but i’m tired of copying and pasting, so go here and expand you horizons. 

the weariness is beginning to settle in, that compounded by the fact it’s hot as all fuck, it slowly driving me to bed. couple with which journalspace is being wonky, i can go to certain blogs but not others. i really should get a life. 


i wasn’t around earlier because i was doing other stuff (no i haven’t gotten a life all of a sudden), it’s tuesday, and it’s may. therefore, the penultimate episodes of gilmore girls and smallville.

now that they are over, i can return to my other life online. i’m not going to be here for very long, vic isn’t online and i’m a worry wort.

so here is the news in brief:

for us here in the caribbean and east cost of the us (best viewed on thursday) – the total lunar eclipse

and then there is this tidbit – there are no WMD in iraq (all of those who knew that all those months ago – say ‘aye’)

and finally some entertainments from dan savage

there will be more tomorrow, but i’m tired and worried about my wife.
thank you and good night.