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the harold and kumar scale

February 10, 2009 — 2 Comments

i’m a huge movie fan, the meme that circulated recently doesn’t even begin to cover it. i come by this love of the big screen honestly, my mother was huge fan and took the time to introduce me to her screen idols. strangely we don’t go out to the movies much any more, but with netflix and cable tv, it’s easy to catch up eventually.

i will watch almost anything; except the new school of american horror or as it’s more appropriately titled gore porn; and every now and again i’ll come across a movie so depressing or so lacking in redemption that I have to find something that will not necessarily uplift but at least cleanse the palette. mind you, i don’t expect every movie i watch to be uplifting and bring a sense of purpose to my life, but i also don’t enjoy being emotionally drained and feeling like the weight of the world is on my shoulders. the movie that brings that balance back for me is Harold & Kumar go to White Castle, listed hereafter as H&KG2WK.

the first time i need a moment of H&KG2WK was after watching Lord of War with Nicholas Cage. i’m not a fan of Cage, but the movie kept me engrossed and the child soldiers demoralised me. i was numb after watching the movie and i was flipping through the channels to get my mind clear when i happened on H&KG2WK. it was hysterical, it was silly and it was just the sort of brain bleach i needed.

so i developed the scale, with the number being how many times would i need to watch H&KG2WK to rinse a particular movie from my mind. here are a few examples:

lord of war – 2 H&KG2WK
the heart deceitful above all things – 12 H&KG2WK
hard candy – 4 H&KG2WK
requiem for a dream – 6 H&KG2WK

i could go on but you get the idea.

label me

January 31, 2009 — Leave a comment

i believe in free speech and the fact that is a two way street — even if you if you don`t want to hear it or it`s upsetting to you; if free speech is to work, then people have a right to say what they want.

i believe social services should be limited, or the system better managed; they are people that need help and are too proud to take it and there are people who abuse the system. i think there should be conditions to unemployment benefits and welfare, it`s not an entitlement and should not be treated as such.

i believe corporations are supposed to make a profit, but not to the detriment of society at large. which includes, no offshore holdings, you want to do business in a country, you pay the applicable taxes in said country. i also believe that corporations are not entitled to government bailouts.

i believe consenting adults are entitled to whatever sexual practices gratify them in the privacy of their domicile.

i believe in the separation of church and state. tax-exempt religious organisations have no business in policy decisions.

i believe in a woman`s right to choose. a woman; ie a female person of legal age of consent, but i believe it shouldn`t be the state`s responsibility to pay for it and it shouldn`t be used as a form of birth control.

i believe young people should be educated about sexuality without stigma. most of this responsibility is on the parents but part of the education system should fill in the blanks that parents have left out without prejudice.

i believe jails are a form of punishment and should not have perks, when you are imprisoned, you have given up the bonuses you`re entitled to as a free citizen. i also believe taxpayers should not fit the bill for the prison system.

these are my beliefs and i`m still entitled to them.

copper or wool

January 28, 2009 — 1 Comment

i think too many people get into relationships expecting the happily ever after. they work on the courting and wooing but don’t continue after the relationship is established.

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have bus will travel

January 2, 2009 — Leave a comment

i like public transportation, if it functioned properly here, i would be the first person to stop driving.

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whatever you’re celebrating at this time of year, all the best to you, may you find comfort and happiness with friends and family and if you’re travelling get to and from safely.

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i was thinking about the nature of conspiracy and what people believe.

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i went to a bookstore last night, and as we were walking out i observed a whole rack of books, all titled The Idiot`s guide to… and i thought to myself, why would i want an idiot`s guide to anything?

i know it`s about simplification, making it easy for the layman. however, the elitist snob in me, frowns upon the lowest common denominator. i work in a field that caters to the lowest common denominator and it sucks. the best and brightest ideas are throw by the wayside because the masses aren`t going to get it.

the masses are sheep, who are too lazy to think for themselves. is there where you want your decision making process? is this the kind of information you want to fill yourself with?

a friend once commented that i was an education snob, i don`t think that`s quite right. i cannot abide stupid and ignorant people. some people go to school for aeons and are still idiots, so it`s not about education, it`s about intelligence and using it.

i mean, i`m not special, i have the same brain as everyone else, i have access to the same volumes of information as everyone else, why don`t more people use it? why are people so willing to let others make decisions or tell them what to do all the time?

repost from 2004, it will be interesting to come back to this in another 4 years

i was having a conversation on sunday night and one of the questions that came up is `why do people seem to hate america?`

i think the simple answer to that question would be foreign policy. i grew up in a post colonial society and one of the benefits of physical colonialism is the remainders of efforts at civilisation. hence in the caribbean we`re still working with an english school system. the benefit of that is a broad spectrum of almost unbiased learning opportunities.

american colonialism is mental. people aspire to live the american lifestyle and while it`s not a bad thing with perspective and temperance, the portrayals people see outside and even to some extent in the US are unrealistic. the american dream has become more and more intangible with each passing generation but is still the carrot dangled in front of us all to encourage us to continue toiling. deep down we know this, but still keep on, because giving up on the dream is tantamount to failure.

the amercian dream is taking everywhere in magazines, in movies, in television and mostly in the foreign policy. otherwise know as `we know what`s best for you`, it`s been a tool of colonisers for aeons, it`s not new and the US is not the only guilty party. it`s a human condition, been going on forever. the problem is, in most other cases there is a tangible left behind, education system, water works, art, morals, government, something.

the problem with the american system is that there are no tangibles left behind. other than the failed dream and resentment. because america as a colonial power only started coming to fore recently, everything else had pretty much been done already. so it was a matter of rearranging other colonial powers toys in the sandbox.

what better place to start than close to home, the monroe doctrine and the latter roosevelt corollary established a pattern of behaviour that is still rippling through the caribbean region until today.

haiti, cuba, el salvador, panama. all these countries have had direct and deliberate interference in their governance. what happened there as is happening now, is the administration at the time was unhappy with government in power and aided either directly or indirectly the removal of said powers, replaced them with someone favourable with them and then walked away.

it`s ok for a while, but when the dreams and promises don`t materialise and people realise they are being used, they tend to get more than a little resentful. their anger in the immediate tends to be directed at the parties installed primarily but there is still the loathing and hate directed at the US.

yes this is an oversimplification, but all it requires is a little reading and a tiny bit of experience to see where certain foreign policy decisions are always likely to turn around and bite you. this not so much as biting the hand feeds you but some cases trying to get back at the hand that was force feeding you.

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sex and sensuality

November 14, 2008 — Leave a comment

this was something i wrote 5 years ago, it still holds so true.

sex has become a commodity and seems to be daily losing it`s value.

sex is being used to sell everything, slowly we`re becoming more and more inured. what were once alternative lifestyles have become mainstream. i have no issues with this. i live for the day when my gay/bi/whatever friends can walk the streets without fear of repercussions.

what i resent is them becoming a tool for marketing and advertising companies. i resent being branded or compartmentalised.

let`s take the whole `metrosexual` thing, i`m a man confident in my own sexuality, that takes care of my body, am able to cook a meal of more than one course and i have a sense of style and some hack sat down in a room and thought how can i capture this market. aha, let`s brand them, put them in a nice little niche. i don`t think so.

i am me. i don`t need someone to tell me who i am and what`s sexy. and sadly for that very same reason there is very little that is truly sexy or maybe i`m just too cynical.

i enjoy sensuality, particularly for the reason that it plays on all your senses. the feel of fruit in your hands, the taste of a good meal, the smell of the sea. it`s not  just about breasts and asses and cocks and cunts.

sensuality begins in the mind.

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as of this writing there are less than five days left before what many people are touting as the most historic election of our lifetime. i feel strangely apathetic, i’ve documented my feelings about how the system works on more than one occasion. and i think any respect i had for either candidate went out the window with passage of the pork fest that was the bailout.

i’m a the point where i want this fiasco to be over so we can get back to business as usual. all the bitter acrimony and inability to have civilised discourse is for naught because once this election cycle is over, it’s back to business as usual. the rich will continue to get rich and find creative ways to not pay for shit, the poor will continue to be poor and all the while the middle class will continue pay for it and try to make sure they don’t end up poor.
the divisiveness fascinates me. what happens on november 5, when you candidate doesn’t win? are you going to leave the country? are you going to stop talking to your neighbours? co-workers? are you going to arrest or inter all the people that didn’t vote for your candidate? is your mortgage miraculously going to be paid? is your dollar all of a sudden going to go further?
november 5, although it’s really january 21, is going to be a day just like any other and you’re going to go to work and try to make ends meet just like you’re doing today and like you’re going to have to do next day and the next day. this is a system run by the people with money, ‘we the people’ is a pipe dream,