Archives For April 2003

day eight

April 15, 2003 — Leave a comment

well this has been a 50 | 50 day, my job still sucks, but i just sent one of my best freelance pieces on it’s way to turkey. it’s beautifully printed.

so i’m pretty much cruising this evening. satisfaction comes in the simplest of sources sometimes.

in other news, i was listening to the radio in a taxi on the way home, and it was tuned to one of the religious stations and a pastor who shall be hereafter called ‘moreover’ rant about what a bunch of adulterous heathens all of us people who divorced and remarried but the kicker was about the woman’s role. basically, if your husband is beating you, stick around, it’s your biblical role to take some blows. i was in too good a mood to flip out, smack the taxi driver and demand he change that station.

which brings me to the question of the day, do people actually believe this? what sort of god would condone this?

this rant is brought to you by the letter M, used in words like magnificent, married, moral, mighty, moron, morose, munch, mental, mince, monday, meeting, mandate, more…

thank you and good night.

the number one reason to change your job…

today just before lunch, i stood outside my office waiting on a friend to meet me. i left for lunch, when i returned i was greeted by two police cars, an ambulance and a fire truck.

the pharmacy, one floor down, one doorway away from my office, had been robbed for the second time in as many weeks… this time they shot the cashier.

it’s bad enough that i don’t like my job but when shit like this happens, i’m taking it as a sign that i need to change employers.

… is when the money you’re getting paid is not worth risking you life.

day seven

April 14, 2003 — Leave a comment

this blog is brought to you today by the letter: G

‘G’ is the first letter in the words: generous, giving, gregarious, gracious, gargantuan, gothic, galvanise, gather, goad, gore, gonad, glorious, glowing, gay, gray, grain, genius.

nothing like mental stimuli to get the day started, please feel free to contribute you words. if i don’t find a way to keep myself entertained, i’ll hate myself even more for going to this crappy job.

do you have any idea what it feels like to look at you pay cheque and laugh hysterically. i’m obviously not cut out for this, i hope i hear something from that other interview soon, i’m unchallenged and making money i could make freelance in less than 8 hours.

this sucks, not in a good way, but with teeth and the fumblings of an unwilling teenager.

i owe, i owe, so it’s off to work i go…

day six (edited)

April 13, 2003 — Leave a comment

today has been a very relaxing and enjoyable day. finished the ‘his dark materials’ series, just started a gift from my wife – a richard brautigan trilogy, it had been languishing at the bottom of a box of books she sent me. i love discovering new book. the SK has taken a back seat for the moment.

moving on…

it’s hot as hell, it’s night and it’s still in the 30s, is it the end of the world?

i used to worry about the future of the country/planet, but of late, i’ve met quite a few people, young and not so young who have rekindled my little faith in humanity. congrats to all of my new friends. you know who you are.

on another unrelated note…
samauri jack rocks. it’s quite possibly one of the best animated series on television. yes i’m a cartoon watcher. avid too. you have a problem with that?

anyway, i have a good book calling me.

day five

April 12, 2003 — Leave a comment

question everything.

everything… but love.

love is the glue that binds us. love protects from the slings of outrageous fortune and shields us from malice. love strengthens us. love is all.

day four

April 11, 2003 — Leave a comment

depression comes in waves, i was perfectly fine this afternoon, now i’m barely keeping it together.
i think it’s friday night, it does it to me. i would really like to go out and get stinkingly drunk, actually that’s a lie what i really want to do is getting fucked senseless, but that doesn’t look likely in the immediate future. sigh. heavy, world fucking weary sigh.

moving on… crack kills!
hipster pants are not for everyone, just as plumbers butt is unappealing…ugly drawers and poor grooming are equally unappealing.

i’m off to direct this surfeit of energy into something productive.

day three

April 10, 2003 — Leave a comment

i hate being broke. not just regular broke, ketch ass broke, down to my last dollar. sigh.

coupled with this my hormones are in a frenzy… i work in an office filled with women… today was mini skirts, tight pants and low tops day. wonderful eye candy but… it’s really not doing much for me… and for those of you that don’t not me too well, i’m not gay. i’m not entirely straight either but it’s not like it’s any of your fucking business either way.

moving on, i’ve been avoiding talking about the war, just in case the government is spying on me, but fuck… i have to get this off my chest
us gov and multinational corporations will be responsible for rebuilding iraq?
that’s like giving enron execs you bank account number and telling them to leave the money alone. like that is ever going to fucking happen.

relationships… not that i’m an expert, but i think you can’t plan out a relationship, part of what makes it work is spontaneity and the surprises along the way. you find someone that makes you happy. trying to define what you’re looking for in your partner, down to their bank balance and what they wear, is not necessarily a good thing. but that’s just my opinion.

thank you and good night.

day two

April 9, 2003 — Leave a comment

why is it the more channels you have the less you have to watch

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day one

April 8, 2003 — Leave a comment

this will be my forum for the truly vitriolic, sometimes manic depressive or generally lascivious thoughts that pop unbidden in to my mind

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