Archives For ramblings

day three

April 10, 2003 — Leave a comment

i hate being broke. not just regular broke, ketch ass broke, down to my last dollar. sigh.

coupled with this my hormones are in a frenzy… i work in an office filled with women… today was mini skirts, tight pants and low tops day. wonderful eye candy but… it’s really not doing much for me… and for those of you that don’t not me too well, i’m not gay. i’m not entirely straight either but it’s not like it’s any of your fucking business either way.

moving on, i’ve been avoiding talking about the war, just in case the government is spying on me, but fuck… i have to get this off my chest
us gov and multinational corporations will be responsible for rebuilding iraq?
that’s like giving enron execs you bank account number and telling them to leave the money alone. like that is ever going to fucking happen.

relationships… not that i’m an expert, but i think you can’t plan out a relationship, part of what makes it work is spontaneity and the surprises along the way. you find someone that makes you happy. trying to define what you’re looking for in your partner, down to their bank balance and what they wear, is not necessarily a good thing. but that’s just my opinion.

thank you and good night.