Archives For samurai jack

not the best way to wake up… i have a headache and my chest hurts from all this coughing and as much as i’d like to sit around and watch samauri jack and kids wb this morning i have to go see a client.

but my afternoon should be great, i’m going to the anniversary lunch of a gay couple i know and then we’re off to the beach. i haven’t been to the beach in a really long time, which is really sad for someone living on a tropical island, but thems the breaks really.

until later i bid you all a fond farewell

btw yesterday (friday), there were an amazing (revised final tally) 71 visitors, all i can say is wow, thank you for coming.

day six (edited)

April 13, 2003 — Leave a comment

today has been a very relaxing and enjoyable day. finished the ‘his dark materials’ series, just started a gift from my wife – a richard brautigan trilogy, it had been languishing at the bottom of a box of books she sent me. i love discovering new book. the SK has taken a back seat for the moment.

moving on…

it’s hot as hell, it’s night and it’s still in the 30s, is it the end of the world?

i used to worry about the future of the country/planet, but of late, i’ve met quite a few people, young and not so young who have rekindled my little faith in humanity. congrats to all of my new friends. you know who you are.

on another unrelated note…
samauri jack rocks. it’s quite possibly one of the best animated series on television. yes i’m a cartoon watcher. avid too. you have a problem with that?

anyway, i have a good book calling me.