Archives For customer service


June 13, 2008 — Leave a comment

not that it matters or anyone even noticed but i’ve changed hosting providers. i registered and hosted the domain with Hostway. i have no clue who they were outside the fact the bought Valueweb, the web host that i’ve used for the last seven years. Hostway sucks, there is no other way around it. in the first two weeks that i had the domain i had 10 days of down time, things came to a head during the Memorial day weekend when i spent two hours waiting to speak to a supervisor, after much bullshit he finally came out and admitted that the ticket on the mysql error that kept me from setting up the blog had been open for at least eight days. since memorial day it had been up mostly, but the underlying problem was never fixed and aside from a promised phone call after the holiday to say someone was working on it, i haven’t heard from them since.

i loathe crappy customer service and i loathe when they try to treat me like an idiot, which is why i moved all my personal domains to a new server, well i’m waiting to for the migration to propagate. which brings me to my other question why do hosting companies make it so difficult to terminate service. they’re like the new aolhell.

my new host is eleven2 and thus far the service has been exemplary, hopefully it will continue.

a truly horrendous waste of time and bandwith – UVA Computer Science Star Links courtesy grammargirl

for those of you that don’t understand, there is no customer service in trinidad. none, none, none whatsoever, so my triumph is much sweeter. the fact that i got tstt and kfc to bend to my will is truly a testatment to how determined i can be. the problem with focussing my energies on santo domingo, is that these people hold my life in their hands and if they decide to be vindictive i’m screwed.

i called vic and her sage advice i’m going to the soiree. vic on the other hand is darkness, a tornado having touched down in her fair town, if the weather clears she’s going to try to catch the lunar eclipse tonight. i miss her so much, these are the moments that are meant to be shared. i may run home early and call and watch with her.

fare they well, i’m off til later.