Archives For love, lust, longing

and i feel fine.

the moon is setting as i come through the gate, the yard is still well lit and it is the culmination of a lovely night. when i was leaving home the skys were overcast and i thought i would miss the eclipe, but the sky cleared and from a hillock in cascade i got to witness the wonder of nature. i watched the eclipse in the company of some really good folks and i even got over the flaky behaviour.

tonight was good night, full of the intellectual stimuli that i truly enjoy, i flitted like a hummingbird from conversation to conversation, books, movie, sexuality. it was great, the only person missing was victoria, i love hearing her talk, her opinions, her voice.

i love this woman for so many reasons.

i should get some sleep, it’s close to 2am and i still have work in the morning, but i am so psyhced, i feel good.

i’m going to get some sleep and take this through the day with me tomorrow.

thank you and good night.

later today, ‘life in the cane belt’ the soap opera that is my life.

i’m at work and finding it hard to focus…

here’s a short list, you figure out why i can’t focus:

hearing my mistress whisper ‘pulchritude’ in my ear…
kneeling, blindfolded, waiting…
feeling her hands on my hips as she has her way with me…

last night i went to read and fell asleep just after 7pm, i just got up. what’s bothering me, is that even with close to 12 hours sleep i’m still tired. i was thinking a trip to the dr might be useful, but i doubt this lethargy is physical. it’s hard to focussed or drum up energy when your centre is missing.

i miss victoria. it’s really like a piece of my soul is missing and today i have to deal with more bureacracy. so the wait continues.

day 16

April 23, 2003 — Leave a comment

awake, alive, aware.

still fighting this goddamn flu and no it’s not SARS, the only reason i’m going to work today is that i have work to finish for a presentation and i always finish a project.

i have to admit i’ve done quite a lot of shit in my life, but the right things i do, stand out like a beacon. 🙂

i love you vic.

i made all sort of excuses before making this post today.

waiting to see how my day at work went, then came home and watched mindless tv for hours. i’m hooked, xfiles, charmed, gilmore girls and smallville. now it’s late and i’m getting the flu…

but i decided today is not a day for bitching. even though i’m getting the flu and my job sucks, blah, blah, blah…

today’s post is about victoria, for those of you, who don’t know, vic is my wife of 1 year, 3 months and 4 days, who i’ve seen once (7 month ago in london) since we got married.

the reason for our separation a long story, needless to say it involves some measure of bureaucracy (lots and lots of it, but that is a matter for another, less positive post)

in brief… vic is the love of my life, she is my joy. she makes me tremendously happy and strangely one of the reasons for my constant depression is that i’m away from her, it’s difficult to focus your energies when it seems like a major piece of your life is missing.

ok, i’m sliding the path of the maudlin plus i just started a major coughing fit, so i’m going to turn in for the night and continue this when i awake.


day five

April 12, 2003 — Leave a comment

question everything.

everything… but love.

love is the glue that binds us. love protects from the slings of outrageous fortune and shields us from malice. love strengthens us. love is all.