Archives For March 2004

i was driving home from dropping the boy chick off at school when i heard an  ad for the local paper, what had me bemused was the closing tag. it`s the same tag line we used in jamaica for the newspaper campaign i did.

it wasn`t plagiarism because before today i`d never heard it, hell before this weekend i didn`t know the tennessean existed. but somehow two people came up with the exact same idea to sell a newspaper.

i haven`t been seriously looking for a job yet. no point really until i have my work authorisation in hand but we did fill out an application form for the apartment that we like. tonight we crunch the numbers and see what we can and cannot live without.

my resume is up to date and i`ve been applying for stuff i see online, but i haven`t started whore myself out yet. you know dropping resume and portfolios hoping for a bite. i`m hoping not to have to resort to that, but we`ll see.

otherwise i`m fighting the flu. yep it took me a week i now have the flu, running nose and hacking cough and all. i`m riding it out, just to make sure i can build up a drug free resistance to whatever strain this is. obviously the paltry version of the flu from the caribbean is no match for these super germs.

coitus interruptus

March 8, 2004 — Leave a comment

we got busted twice this weekend. the joys of a noisy bed and a concerned child. it was hilarious. there was no barging in just a consistent knock on the door and queries as to what was making all that noise.

as i`m typing this i`m still laughing. it`s been like that. we`ve been getting in a rhythm as a family and this is part of it. before last tuesday, our coital activities thus far have been without the presence of anyone underage. we`re learning to acclimatise.

today is my first official day as a house husband, i`m meeting vic for lunch to continue the apartment hunt, then i have to pick up the boy chick after school and then vic after work, in between all this there is laundry to be done and more apartment hunting.

i can`t say much more other than how natural it all seems. i`m comfortable, i`m happy. my work authorisation went off this morning and hopefully i should get my receipt by next week and i can start looking more assiduously for a job.

everyone have been very nice to me, except for that idiot the first day and the dmv and i`m letting that slide. the woman at the insurance office give me a number for a friend of her husband`s who runs a graphic shop. and i have this web development project. all in all things are moving into place.

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vic is at work, the boy chick is next door and i`m apartment hunting.

i think we`re still accepting the reality that we`re here. together. and it is amazing. we drove for 5 hours to see my friend sam on thursday night [the boy chick had friday off from school] and now i have a gig. not a full time job, but a project that will bring in some cash and keep me occupied for the next couple of weeks.

it`s amazing to sit in the car and talk and drive and do thing like normal people. i took vic to work this morning, then took the boychick for a haircut and then i`m taking him to a birthday party this afternoon, then we go pick up vic after work and we`re off to look at apartments and get a phone.

it`s been like that. sitting for a day and a half at the dmv trying to get my license. being told in this country we`re not married unless we have the same last name [the guy was an idiot and i didn`t have to deal with him again]. going to pick up the boychick from school. going to bed, getting up the next morning. oh yeah and all the sex you imagine we`re having and then some.

it`s been as simple as that and i`ve never been happier.

this coming week, the apartment hunt continues and i have to send off some documents to the ins, join the library and apply for my ss. i have my project to get cracking and i have to figure out how to get on the existing internet connection. currently, i`m checking my mail and posting this from the non-network ready dell. bleech.

the boychick is back and i need to figure out what we`re doing for lunch before we head off to this birthday party.

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March 5, 2004 — Leave a comment

well just a peek.

we`ve been busy [get your mind out of the gutter] but there`s been that too. it took me two days of bureaucracy to get a driver`s license. but i`ve got it, i`m insured on the car and i have some health insurance. i have a meeting about a job tomorrow [well later in the morning]

there are stories to tell but we`ve been driving for 5 hours and we`re beat.

after nearly two years, i am home. we are home. no oceans, no seas, the two of us together. finally.

thank you all for your prayers, thoughts, support. i`m here. i`m safe. we`re together.

we of course will not be around much for the next couple of days.

on the road again

March 2, 2004 — Leave a comment

vic says i do the worse willie nelson impression on earth. i know i don’t have a singing voice so i might just have to agree with her. i had intended to type this in the comfort of my own [well my mother’s] adobe before i left this morning. but as it stands or sits, i’m at piarco international airport sitting about 15 feet from my departure gate, sucking power but no broadband connection for the airport.

in a series of ever interesting overlaps i spent my day yesterday, well theoretically it’s still today, because i haven’t slept yet, getting my hair done. neat dreadlocks and facelift in one fell swoop. my hair has been tightened [toit, toit like a tiger] so i no longer have the dreaded ‘fro dread, where the new growth hovers around the base of your existent locks forming a small afro.

so i got that done. ran around like a headless chicken for an hour, had a beer and an exceedingly late lunch with an online friend, went and moved my mother’s new washing machine, then went to deliver my daughter’s birthday present.

she seems thrilled, well not as much about the bob marley cd, but she’s twelve and there is really no accounting for taste at that age. this is the same age group that drives the careers of britney and that ilk. we hung out, i helped with homework. it felt good.

after this it was more races as my mother volunteered my fix a friend’s [of hers] printer. luckily it was just cleaning the print nozzles and we out of there in no time. i came home grabbed a shower and it was out the door again to check on my ride to the airport. she bailed, i need more male friends. it’s a little much to ask, especially in these times. she needed to get out of bed and come pick me up by three am and still had to drive home alone after that.

the pig [it’s a term of endearment, we swear], organised a going away soiree for me and i arrived fashionably late. but it was hilarious. this is why i like these people, smart, funny and crass. lewd jokes and conversation were the order of the night. but the hour drewth late and the skies did pour and no one did drive and we had no way of making our escape, so we called a cab who did not arrive until late and i realised that it would be at this rate the same to take me to the airport. so i made one trip of it. and i had to hustle.

it’s a good thing i’m an anal retentive, the only thing i had to pack was the laptop bag and the clothes i took off. i had space at the top of one bag for those and the laptop bag is meant to be packed on the fly. so i here i sit, all checked in, waiting, in my second to last airport. we’ve come a long way baby.

i’m still sitting here, still haven’t slept much. and they’ve switched the gate and the flight is late. i’m in too good a mood to let this stress me out.

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