Archives For August 2003

well, what can i say

August 29, 2003 — Leave a comment

overwhelmed [they were], over experienced [i am].

so that`s how it went, from the time i got there they were gushing about the resume and the work experience. and then there was the subtle hint about the dress code, mind you i showed up in a pressed shirt [short sleeved], slacks and shoes. i wanted them to know what they were getting into. and they rose to the bait. why is it in this day and age, a 6` 2″ tattoo`d, pierced and dreadlocked man has to continue to endure this colonial mentality.

i could of course just be paranoid, but the head of the marketing dept blinked when i told her what i wanted to be paid. and that`s never a good sign.

we shall see, they said they had more interviews and the hr dept would get back to me next week [if i made the cut, implied, not said]

i did run into a friend afterward who promised to pass on some other opportunites to me, so the afternoon was still semi-productive.

going to savour my naked time in my house.

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it`s friday, the office is footing lunch, i`m leaving here in 45 minutes to get to my interview. portfolio is on cd, i`m as ready as i`m going to be.

i think things are pretty much under control for the presentation.

i`m really just sitting here cruising online, the new fiore is up and is hilariously funny.

the good vibrations take on metrosexuality.

and for my next trick i`ll post a link of sex and related blogs.

send some positive karma my way. i`m off to the interview.

what is the chemical reaction that causes a state of almost uncontrollable arousal after bouts of anger and frustration?

i have been on edge since yesterday and my dreams last night were…

let`s just use the words lascivious, salacious, wanton even and that`s being generous.

i`m awake and the sensations of the dream still haven`t left me. i don`t think that`s such a bad thing. as much as i`d like to skip work and go to the interview this afternoon, i do still have responsibilities. there is the presentation material to print and ensure it gets pasted up and of course i have to burn my portfolio to cd, so i definitely need to go into the office.

it`s not even the first of the month and the money situation is already almost untenable. this is primary on the list of reasons i need a new job, i need more money, i also need health care and less stress.

i`m off to prettify, well at least attempt to look like i`m serious about wanting this job. i`ll be back later and i`ll most certainly be back after the interview with details.

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an evening of geekdom

August 28, 2003 — Leave a comment

i spent the early part of this evening geeking out. as of this moment i no longer need to boot into classic mode. for you non-mac folk [poor, poor souls] every app that i need to use on a daily basis is now os x native. woo hoo.

after i geeked out, i went to shoot pool and although i didn`t redeem myself from my birthday trouncing, i did manage to eeek a two game advantage out.

tomorrow is my interview. although it appears we might have won the client, i`m not sure if i want to continue working there. i feel too good tonight to dwell on them. i`m going to talk to my wife.

adieu. have a good night.

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A dreamer is your type.  Seen as “not quite

there”, you see things that few do.  You

make people think, and your friends turn to you

for insight.

A different quiz, what strange type of person are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

body shop. [never let anyone tell you aromatherapy doesn`t work]

between the pink grapefruit body wash and the mango body butter, i felt a lot better about the day. and the last thing i heard before i left the house – your body is a wonderland. that song is guaranteed to put a smile on my face, all the time.

now to get to this work done. ciao

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i`m in a marginally better mood this morning, but i`m working on it. my boss is out of the office for two dasy, i have a final say on a presentation she`s travelling with on tuesday, i`ll work on that today, get it done, get it done right and when i`m done with that i`ll work figuring out these forms.

tomorrow i have my interview, i need to burn my portfolio onto cd, i need to do that today. i`m not calling back today. i`ll just get upset again and when you`re dealing with bureaucrats that`s never a good idea.

we`ve got a long weekend this weekend, i`m partying saturday and sunday night, if i can find d, i`m going to get some ink.

i must not fear. fear is the mind killer. fear is the little death that brings about total obliteration. i will face my fear. i will permit it to pass over me and through me. and when it has gone past, i will turn with the inner eye to see it’s path. where the fear has gone, there will be nothing, only i will remain.

i found that space before, i just need to get back there. focus and determination.

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calling it a night

August 27, 2003 — Leave a comment

i`m wiped physically and emotionally. i feel so completely drained.

i just want to curl in bed with vic, i want her in my arms.

is that too much to ask?

just so fucking tired

August 27, 2003 — Leave a comment

I`m sitting here looking at the bottle of jack. but i don`t want to start down that road now. I`m just so fucking tired, i know vic and i are meant to be together and this just a temporary set back but oh fuck, how many hoops do we have to jump through?

i have never come across a more uncooperative bunch of people, one woman had the nerve to tell me, she understands my need to vent. do you? do you have any fucking clue? do you know what it is to be living out of a drawer, not committing to anything, marking time in a job you hate, waking up every morning alone, knowing that you`re separated from the best part of your life by fucking bureaucracy.

i don`t fucking think so.

how is it in this day of near instantaneous emails, faxes and globalisation, the largest bureaucracy in the fucking world takes three weeks to mail documents. what the fuck is that? it`s a four hour flight between barbados and santo domingo.

i`m going to burst a blood vessel if i continue thinking about this.

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and it gets worse

August 27, 2003 — Leave a comment

so i call barbados to tell them santo domingo doesn`t know i exist [ie they don`t have the documents you fuckwits purportedly sent]. now barbados wants me to call santo domingo and get them to fax that they don`t have it.

i call santo domingo back and they say they can`t do that without something official from barbados. all of this calling is on my fucking dime. why am i doing their fucking job and why do i seem to be the only one concerned?

probably because at the end of the day they really don`t give a fuck. i`m pissed, i`m frustrated and i need an outlet for this. typing isn`t making me any less angry.

i think i just make qualify for the skilled labour immigration programme in canada, but i have 10+ pdfs to sort through. i can`t even see straight, much less concentrate on working out what i have to do with this shit.

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