Archives For mtv

we have digital cable because that`s the only way i can get speed channel which is where i get my Formula One fix. season starts in two days. digital cable has also afforded me the music video channels, you remember those, what MTV and VH1 used to be when they launched. to ensure they can still be called “Music Television” and Video Hits One” they have a plethora of channels that show only music videos.

i`ve realised that i`m getting older because of the eight or ten possible music video channels i watch only one with great regularity; VH1 Classic; home of blocks of videos from the 70s and 80s; and i am content. lately i`ve been drifting to VH1 Soul because they`ve been featuring blocks of music and when i do get sucked in it tends to be artists i like; on sunday there was a one hour block of Bob Marley videos.

i really started writing reflecting on rap and hip hop. i`m not a fan of most of the current crop of hip hop, primarily because it all sounds the same. i`m not saying that rap was always a fount of originality but there was a moment when everything was new and dare i say it; fresh.

the misogyny and violence don`t bother me as much as it should; i own the first two Ice Cube albums and at the time the sound was new and interesting but there comes a point where it gets old and you find yourself wondering what you enjoyed. then there is the concept that the only purpose for recording a lot of this music is to increase profit margins. i think fundamentally that`s what bothers me; the anger, sexuality and violence perpetrated on records don`t come for some place genuine; it`s all about making a profit. and it`s not just hip hop, the music industry is all about profitability; if they can`t make money off you with the trite pop, they can make money by appealing to your baser instincts; anger, lust, you get the idea; they believe there is a niche for you.

i long for the days of the pure storytelling and fun that were the roots of rap and hip hop. or maybe those days never existed and it was just the innocence of youth.

happy, happy, joy, joy

June 8, 2003 — 1 Comment

the rains are here and i think they are here to stay. the skies are grey, and it rained all morning. it’s a lovely thing to wake up to the sound of rain thundering down on your roof. it hasn’t done much for the heat. i’m sitting around in my boxers, the sweat pouring off my body. 

i was watching the mtv movie awards at a friends this morning and there were a couple things that bothered me… 

first – Tatu, could that performance be any more manufactured? i watched them and their entourage of women (some of whom appeared to have left school about the same time i did) in school girl uniforms, gyrate and ham it up for the audience. maybe something is right with me, but if it was supposed to titillate, it didn’t i just thought none of the gay women i know behave like that. it was just a show for the desperate young men who think the jiggle of a bra less breast or the hint of a hardening nipple is the holy grail. 

which brings me to my second point, is there a shortage of bras in hollywood? or is it just to help mtv? 

on to my third and final point, this is going to be long, so sit back and get comfortable… 

what is it about dressing children, especially prepubescent girls like $2 crack whores and their pimps? 
these are little children, they don’t need to make hipster pants and bra tops in their sizes, because they lack either and if they do have them they should not be on display. over the last couple of days i’ve noticed this disturbing trend, from the little 8 year old who showed for a casting  in an (i do no lie) off the shoulder midriff top, denim mini and thigh high boots, to some little girl who won an award on the show in hipster pants that she had to keep pulling up because, you have no hips yet, little girl. sigh. maybe i’m old fashioned, but i have two girls. i’m not advocating bubbles and frilly smocks. i’m advocating comfort and childhood. jeans, tshirts, shorts, vests. the occasionally pretty dress when the occasion calls for it. 

my mother used to tell me, that it wasn’t so much delinquent children as delinquent parents. and i tend to agree, how can you dress you child like that? how can you willingly look at your child and think – hey, she looks like a small version of me, that’s good. IT’S NOT! this is not your younger sister or a barbie doll. this is a child, to which you as a parent bear some responsibility. 
and this is not just about the girls either, do you think dressing them like little thugs has no effect on their behaviour? 
sigh, the people that need to read this will never see it, but i just needed to get it off my chest. 

i’m going to give this movie my undivided attention, i’ll be back later with links and your moment of zen.