This is your life, and it’s ending one minute at a time

November 21, 2008 — Leave a comment

Hullo and welcome to TinyPenes Motors, your one stop home for exotic cars, penile enhancement and hair replacement treatment.

Are you tired of the same old spouse, mortgage payments and those annoying children?

Trade them all in for the newer, shinier, happier you. Here at TinyPenii Motors we are all about customer satisfaction. Whether you want to blow the children`s college fund or your 401(k) before the spouse`s lawyers get wind of it, we have something just right for you and just out of reach of your budget.

We have special packages ideally suited for your mid-life crisis.

Our Hummer package, each sale comes with prescription for Rogaine©, Viagra® and Levitra®**, our motto is “In this vehicle you`re guaranteed to get one!”*

Not quite what you had in mind? We have many makes and models of vehicles that are guaranteed to satiate your malaise. If we don`t, we`ll sell you something that makes you look and feel like the middle aged, washed up, has been you`ve aspired to be all your life.

Come in today and spend some money you don`t have to retain that youth that was never yours. Our payment schedule guarantees that those nearest and dearest to you will still be paying for your stupidity even after you`re gone.

At TinyPenii motors, your suffering and anguish makes us rich.

* Sourcing of sexual favours are the sole responsibility of purchasers

** TinyPenii Motors not responsible for health problems caused by medication, in the event of health crisis or even death, payments are still due.

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