my friends

February 20, 2004 — Leave a comment

Do you feel like your really close friends are similar to yourself or do you have a variety of different friends? Has the behavior of one of your friends ever influenced stranger`s opinion of you whether it be positive or negative?

well i only have a few very close friends and they all know each other and while we don`t necessarily share the same views, the thing that draws us together is the fact that we`re all open-minded and are willing to accept each other`s beliefs.

and as for the opinions of strangers?

fuck `em if they can`t a joke.

my friends are bright, funny and speak their minds. when we`re together we`re usually pretty loud, but our behaviour tends to be tempered by where we are. which is why hanging out is usually done at home or locations where we and our behaviour is know and accepted, which brings me back to the opinions of strangers.

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