seasoning’s greetings

January 3, 2004 — Leave a comment

cophereth asked what i used to season with and i started this long treatise in the comments and realised it was better suited as a post.

i`m deadly allergic to shellfish and have a mild allergy to fish, so i`m pretty much a carnivore. although with all the over processing, i`m cutting chicken from my diet, i just don`t like the way it makes me feel.

so my choices are pretty much beef and pork. i feel safe with the beef here, it`s grown by a variety of farms in large pastures, not processed, which is what caused mad cow in the first place.

but onto the seasoning. i usually clean with lime, to cut the freshness and trim according to what i`m going to do with it. next step is dicing onions, peppers, garlic, chadon beni and some other green seasoning, i also use a lot of dried bottled seasonings, oregano, parsley, celery seeds, thyme and my favourites, ground black pepper and butcher`s grade pepper. my cupboard also always contains, aromatic bitters, ground chilis and teriyaki sauce.

i put the meat in a bowl and start adding stuff, there is not methodology, it`s just about a sense of what seems right, it hasn`t lead me wrong thus far.

i come from a family of hypertensives, so i don`t use salt much, pretty much only on chicken, otherwise i use whatever is at hand. recently i got a small bottle of absolut and i`ve made beef marinated in vodka.

cooking is an adventure for me. and the fact that my diet is going to be severely limited for the next couple of months, i need to make what i`m eating interesting.

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