i’m not as young as i used to be

January 3, 2004 — Leave a comment

drinking the night away used to be such fun and so lacking in side effects. there was no hangover yesterday, but i was so exhausted. i was lethargic all day and in bed by 6:30pm, albeit, i did get up about 11 to talk to vic for a while, i was back in bed by midnight and slept through until this morning.

old age is definitely catching up to me. my thighs ache and i`m wondering if it was all the wining at the party or the laps in the pool, either way, it never used to be like this.

one carnival in the not too distant past, i went for a week before i collapsed from exhaustion, now, if i have one late night, i spend days recovering, except for the nights in vic`s company, i think we manage to get by on two and three hours a night with no ill effects.

today is a cooking day, i was supposed to cook yesterday, but i was just too exhausted to manage. my meat is seasoned for the week, so i`m going to cook it all, tag it and bag it and reheat as needed. i`m out of veggies for the moment, but i`m off to the market today or tomorrow, so i`m covered there and therein is my life.

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