money, money, money

December 30, 2003 — Leave a comment

sometime last week monet posed the question what would you do for a million dollars and i answered fairly honestly.

however i did come across a couple of things that i could find to do with my money if i were independently wealthy.

first of all no man is an island, but with enough money you can buy one. yes you too can own a island of your very own

and if you need to defend your island why not get an aircraft carrier or in my case, what better place for a data haven?

i was going to make a point about money and the great divide between them that have and them that have not. but i don`t have the energy right now, my less than 8 hours sleep is catching up with me as well as the arousal cycle is starting to ramp up again, thus draining the need blood from my brain into other areas of my body.

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