the zen of laundry

October 2, 2003 — Leave a comment

i like doing laundry. i`ve been doing my own for a long time, actually since i started buying my own clothes. my mother has many skills but domestic goddess is not amoung them. her mother sent her off to school to learn more practical skills, she was a hell of a typist in her day and still is a genius of an accountant. just don`t ask her to wash your clothes.

i don`t wash at home however. for two main reasons, there is no dryer and there are dogs in the yard and i find my clothes smell doggy. i`m not a big dog person. i`m not going to kick them or anything, just prefers cats. self maintaining, aloof, that sort of thing. but i digress.

i enjoy going to the laundry mat, primarily because i can wash all my loads at once, pick 4 or 5 washers, load up my clothes and i`m good to go. i can sit with a book and be lulled to the sounds of clothes tumbling in the dryers and the hum of the washers. it`s very, very, very relaxing, no matter how stressed i am after a trip to the laundry, i`m completely rejuvenated.

the highlight of the trip for me is folding the freshly laundered clothes and packing them away. there are few things in the world better than feel and smell of warm fresh laundry.

i usually leave the clothes in the bag when i get home, so when i`m getting dressed the next day, the clothes are still warm.

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