about my mother

October 4, 2003 — Leave a comment

i am an only child, raised alone by mother.

we have our issues, i find it hard to like some of her ways but i am eternally grateful for the person she`s raised me to be.

as i`ve said before my mother was not raised to be a domestic goddess but she imbued in me a sense of self worth and an amazing work ethic.

my mother has massive issues with her mother, making living in this house, stressful to say the least. my grandmother moved here from jamaica a year after my grandfather lingered and died after a robbery. she never forgave my mother for bringing her with nothing to do. my mother has abandonment issues with my grandmother and all these issues come to a head particularly at christmas. making it one of the worst times of year for me. i`ve worked at christmas rather than be at home for their amazingly depressing tirades.

one of the major issues my mother has with me is my father. he left soon after i was born. a couple of points of interest, my father, my paternal grandmother and i all share a birthday. and according to my mother my father and i share a great number of personality traits.

so you can see where this is going. i had to deal with a lot of her anger.

but there was also a lot of love, there were the random drives on sunday evenings, books every month, her unconditional support for everything i ever expressed even a fleeting interest in.

looking back now i realise that i gave my mother a lot of grief but as i`ve gotten older i`m grateful for everything she`s ever done for me and i love her dearly

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