rude shameless hussy

July 12, 2003 — Leave a comment

any evening out with the rude shameless hussy [as she to be henceforth called] is always entertaining. and tonight was no exception. i had a blast from sitting outside subway talking complete and utter shit, to getting all hot and sweaty in ad with our travelling companions.

the rude shameless hussy title has a tale but it’s 3:36am and i’m exhausted. sufficed to say, that we were abandonded by RSH for over an hour [that’s the rude part] for a woman she’s had the hots for a while [the shameless hussy part], more of this tale will be posted in related blogs [people you know who you are].

i’m off to bed.

oh before i go, in a moment of true internet surrealism – the email vic sent telling me that she’d be late, two nights ago arrived sometime tonight. go figure.

but all of that is irrelevant, this time next week, vic will be safely in my arms.

so goodnight and a fond adieu to you and you and you.

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