It’s only Propaganda (but ah like it)

July 7, 2003 — Leave a comment

a few beers, some appetisers and good conversation and i feel halfway human again. thanks karen. [mwah].

word for the day:


A restaurant employee who orders and maintains the wines sold in the restaurant and usually has extensive knowledge about wine and food pairings.

i need to get this off my chest, i have to have some sort of outlet –

i want to lick you everywhere, i want to run my teeth along your collar bone, lick, suck, nibble on your nipples, trace your stretch marks with my tongue, slowly spread your legs and gently blow on your clit, inhaling the scent of you, before burying my tongue in your cunt. i want your wetness smeared all over my face, your hands in my hair, the muffled cries as your thighs press against my ears. strumming my tongue against your clit as i slide finger after finger until your cunt is filled with my hand.

i want you vic. i want you in every possible way.

good night.

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