consume, conform, obey

July 7, 2003 — Leave a comment

i’m trying to focus on some work that’s been hanging about for a while. it’s getting done but not as quickly as i’d like so i’m going for a drink with karen. i figure i can go have a drink talk with her for a while and trying and work out what’s going on with me and help cheer her up as well. and i can come back home and work late. i’m going into work late in the morning anyway. i’m going to get my hair neatened, make another attempt at paying the tax on vic’s ticket.

it’s still monday so here are a couple of items that i got from the memes list [it’s linked in ‘the great beyond’ so this is the last time]:

monday memories

Who was your first “best friend”? Do you still keep in touch with them now?
kevin, no.

monday mosh
Mondays being Mondays, the premise of the Monday Mosh is designed to be simple, energizing, and quick.   Basically, each Monday, participants turn on whatever music they’re in the mood for and dance around their living room/office/bedroom/sauna/whatever. Participants then answer three short questions about their experience. Then they post the answers to the questions in their own blog, and then leave a comment here, in THIS blog, so others can go see what they moshed to this week (this is the part that’s like all those other memes).  

What song did you mosh to?
call of ktulu – metallica s&m

What did you step on or bump into?  (bonus points for breakage)
de nada

Why did you stop?
neck strain. that’s a lot of hair to be throwing around.

whoops, karen is here. more later. bye.

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