grateful that this day is over

July 2, 2003 — Leave a comment

today was a very long day. i’ve realised that meetings are not my cup of tea. i had a long ass production meeting, then more meetings with my boss on and off all day. i think she’s serious about making me more responsible for the stuff that goes on at the agency. i’ve said this before i don’t think i’m cut for management. but for the next 4 days, i’m in charge. i’m not sure how i feel about it.

moving on to more fun pursuits…

long live the bbc. (an impressive tale about and an impressive news service)

an excerpt from nerve’s em & lo’s – the big bang (nerve’s guide to the new sexual universe) [i’m not sure does this count as the pride link?]

and finally your moment of zen

going to fight up with my digitised hp. i’ll be back later.

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