as the days go by

July 3, 2003 — Leave a comment

the are 15 days til vicotria gets here. two weeks and a day. as of 7am today, 372.5 hours til she touches down in trinidad. i’m excited, can you tell. my thoughts are filled with her. waking and sleeping. i’m ditching work to get my hair neatened. yes, having dreads is not just about letting your hair knot up, it requires some degree of maintenance. i’ve been trying to get to do this for a while and i either haven’t had the time or the money, or a combination of the two. it’s going to take about 4 hours to get done, so i’m not going to get into work before midday, although there is not much for me to do anyway.
time for me to get going, i’ve got no cash and i’m bumming a ride into pos, least i could do is be ready.

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