don’t hate me ’cause my hair is beautiful

July 9, 2003 — Leave a comment

i’ve been getting a lot of compliments about my hair, but the stupidest comment is…

wait for it…

“is that your hair?”

no, i picked it up in a flea market. what prompts people to ask stupid shit like that.


in other news this has been a throughly successful day, paid the taxes on vic’s ticket. found a beautiful apartment in lower fort george this afternoon. loved it so much, i paid the deposit. you can see most of port of spain and the gulf from the patio. the bed is huge, the bedroom has a/c and the kitchen is tiny and intimate. if i could afford it, i’d live there.

now all that’s left is the paying for it.

tonight i had also had dinner and drinks with sarah, she’s putting on an exhibition with 4 other artist and i promised to do the programme. i got all the info today, if i can get this corporate identity second draft out of the way, i can commit all my energies to it. i don’t understand why i’m finding it so difficult get going on the corporate identity. this is a paying gig and fairly decently too. why can i get a jumpstart? the webserver is up and running, perfectly, though. so that’s one less worry.

it’s started raining out and between that, the two beers, the pizza and the longing for vic, i just want to crawl into my bed, but i promised myself faithfully, i’d get at least two more items done before i go to bed tonight, so no rest for the wicked.

i’m going to get to work while i wait for vic and toss my hair some more.

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