Archives For workload

so i’m trying random subject lines. but from stuff that’s going on  in my life, it may not necessarily have anything to do with the acutal post, but rest assured it reflects something that influenced me today. 

i’m also reclaiming the term pear-shaped as a good thing. i just have to figure out another term for the absolute mess my day attempted to turn into. i just gave up on working this afternoon and finished watching ‘real women have curves’ which was real sweet (america ferrera is gorgeous), i tried to leave early and then got stuck in a pre production meeting with my boss. 

what is interesting is my job gets more interesting everyday as my workload increases. this is my last month on probation and my boss is introducing me to people as the creative director. not a title i object to. even if i don’t get paid for it, it looks great on a resume. i spoke to vic this afternoon as well (dance of joy, dance of joy), as a friend of mine pointed out, i’m making it sound as if we’re on the same landmass, but you take your joys as you can. this has been the longest we’ve been without any kind of communication. 

the itching has started. always the least fun part of getting a tattoo, i’ve got a boatload of tabs open, following links, keeping myself distracted. 

thsirt hell (guaranteed to offend someone) 

Department of Justice finds “significant problems” in the detainment of aliens after Sept. 11. (duh?) 

the camel toe report (believe it or not, there is an entire site dedicated to it, some people just have to much time on their hands) 

and your moment of zen 

i’ll be back later, i’m going to hunt and gather. hunger is starting to get the best of me.