Archives For whiskerino

nine months, one week

September 8, 2008 — 1 Comment

nine months, one week – just about enough time for me to have been pregnant. but this isn’t about an addition, it’s actually a subtraction, i shaved.

for the first time since november 1, 2007, i am clean-shaven. it wasn’t planned. i was trying to neaten up, had an oops moment and decided that it would be a good time to start over. besides, i haven’t had a single donation to my fund-a-stache in five months.

clean-shaven for the first time since november 1

clean-shaven for the first time since november 1

it’s kind of liberating, considering i’ve had some sort of consistent facial hair growth for almost a year. the ‘stache and beard will be back but i think i may enlist some professional help for the grooming. anyone know a good barber?


December 6, 2007 — Leave a comment

aside from funerals and working and retail and the holidays, i’m involved in a little project called whiskerino which involved me shaving on november 1 and not shaving again until february 28. you can track my progress and the progress of the 300 plus other participants or if you just want to see my photos and make fun of me, there is an entire flickr set dedicated to the endeavour here