Archives For office

woo hoo

May 20, 2003 — Leave a comment

less than 12 hours to the matrix reloaded.

i’m going into the office to cut and mount up the layouts i did today and then bail out and head to the movies.

i should get to bed but before i do, i’m going to post the first picture of my new work in progress.

i have so much to say at the moment but i’m not quite sure where to begin and what i want to say.

i want to talk about how much i miss vic and deleting my friend ian’s contact info off my computer today (he died last year just before christmas), how teary gilmore girls made me and as much as i like the season finale of smallville, something seemed to be missing.

actually that seems to be the crux of my life at the moment. something is missing – victoria. she is my light and my joy, she means the world to me and being without her, is at best; difficult, at worst…

it’s where i am now. holding on daily to the joy her presence, even online brings me.

fuck, i’m getting maudlin.

good night.