Archives For media awards

yesterday was packed to the gills with all the fun shit that makes life so enjoyable and interesting.

the birthday lunch for my younger daughter went off fairly hitchless, my older daughter was here as well and a good time was had by all. sometime in between all of this i found time to finish the cover for the annual report, attempt to deliver it to the client, come back home, wash my hair get dressed and be very late for the media excellence awards.

my date for the evening was the always lovely karen (who i must say looked stunning) and i think we made quite the impression, got there late, but then made the rounds hilton poolside for the free food and drink. we weren’t sure if it was me in the sarong and red shirt or the small muscular indian woman in the hot dress by my side or the combination of the two.

we left the media awards around 11, wandering sort of aimlessly, well not entirely, planning to swing by after dark to see who was about and show off karen in her hot femme duds, she was just too hot, we left a little after 4am.

which brings us up to speed, i’m working on corrections to the annual report, i’ve had 3 1/2 hours sleep and now i have a shitload of corrections to do. joy.

i’ll be back.