Archives For headaches

and we’re back

May 21, 2003 — Leave a comment

some sense of duty has brought me back to the office. i am excited, i want to talk to someone about what i have just seen, the matrix is visually exciting, it lacks some of the punch of the first installment but i really enjoyed. 

vic is not online, which in itself is supremely disappointing, i want to blather on about what i did today, how much fun i had and even though i had all this fun, nothing seems quite the same without her. 

i’m sitting here, listening to the nattering of the staff around me and the solid click, click, click of the keys under my fingertips as i type and all my thoughts are focussed on willing vic back to her machine, hearing the little sound that aol makes when someone new logs on. which in itself is funny, i left my computer at home today because i knew that i would have very little need for my mobile office. i got in this morning and immediately dl aim to see if i would get an opportunity to talk to vic, no luck, i’m back and she’s not here. sigh. 

i have a low level headache, not sure if it’s having missed lunched or what i call the refresh rate headache. 

i have a theory, actually i have a few but this one is that because i spend so much time in front of a computer  screen (about 80% of my waking day) my eyes have become accoustmed to the 67Hz refresh rate of the monitor and the 30fps of movies just does something to my blink reflex (this could be complete and utter shite, but 9 times out of 10, i come out of the movies with a headache) 

i have another 40 minutes of work and nothing to do, so i’m going to check the news and read my fellow bloggers. i’ll be back later with news and views.