Archives For flash friday fiction

Flash Friday Fiction #51

April 23, 2015 — 1 Comment

I sat in front of the building applying lip gloss, not out necessity but as a means to pass the time as I waited. My boss was perpetually late, but I had a plan for that. The invitation in the calendar was 60 minutes before they were due to meet with the client. This is why I was sitting here, dressed to the nines in my moss green power suit and matching pumps, applying lip gloss and watching the 10 o’clock people speed smoke in the plaza. As I sat there crossing and uncrossing my legs, admiring the flex of my calves, I wondered what new eccentricity my boss would loose up on them today. Thus far I had experienced: the skirt tucked inside pantyhose, mismatched shoes and at the last meeting the mis-buttoned shirt and jacket combined with the large bit of salad still stuck in her teeth. That was the other reason I was here early, I could prep the boss in the ladies room. I could adjust clothing, I had floss, I was prepared. It’s not that my boss was a bad person, to the contrary she was brilliant and simply did not get  the minutiae of everyday life. That was my job.  Honestly if you let the simple missteps get in the way of her brilliance then it was your loss.

Flash Friday Fiction #49

April 5, 2015 — 1 Comment

As soon as you finally start to relax there is the fear we’re going to start arguing again.

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flash fiction friday #44

December 22, 2014 — 1 Comment

When the sky broke we were sitting around and consuming fruity rum drinks.

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Friday Flash Fiction #43

December 14, 2014 — 1 Comment

Before the fall of the snake oil empire I could sit down and write missives.

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