Archives For cricket

i’m not a huge cricket fan, i stopped watching west indies cricket sometime in the mid 80s. i have a policy when sports start bring tears to your eyes, it’s time to stop. the wi cricket team, of late, is one of these teams, that always seems to have all the resources and everything in their grasp but at the last moment, completely screw themselves. 

i’m the process of looking for jobs, both for vic and myself. i’ve expanded the search to canada. there must be a job somewhere in the world for me. actually the job is not the problem, it’s the passport. as the global marketplace expands, borders seem to close, especially if you’re a third world resident. with the exception of the uk, there is almost nowhere in the world, that a trinidadian passport that can get you without jumping through a large number of hoops. what’s interesting is that it’s a cakewalk for people travelling in the other direction. even travelling within the caribbean is an exercise in pulling teeth. us citizens can travel to barbados with any form of photo id, not so for any of their caribbean neighbours. life is funny sometimes. 

now the news: 

Is Lying About The Reason For War An Impeachable Offense? 

size friendly vacation club 

‘secretary’ comes to australia (love this movie) 

and your moment of zen compliments wal-mart 

thank you and good night