Archives For celibacy

Bring out the gimp!

October 6, 2004 — Leave a comment

there are days when living in the US scares the crap out of me. and today is one of them.

i`ve always been very cynical about paying taxes, i think my money is usually wasted on something that i genuinely abhor and i`ve been proved right. i`m a huge proponent of the separation of church and state. i think if churches don`t pay taxes they should have absolutely say in matters of policy, but obviously my opinion is not shared by the powers that be.

here`s the first paragraph from a story in Sunday`s SF Chronicle:

President Bush has some new troops in his crusade to promote “healthy marriage” and teen celibacy with federal funds — followers of the Rev. Sun Myung Moon, the controversial Korean evangelist and self-proclaimed new world messiah. read the rest

i`ve been trying to vent my anger here without resorting to expletives, after reading this i`m realising how difficult a task it is.