Archives For bookshelves

we`re still moving boxes, that`s the plan for the next couple of days. on saturday evening we get the truck and the major items move early sunday. we`ve already moved three carloads of boxes and that`s pretty much the stuff that`s in day to day use. there is still the bookcases, the beds and the attic full of stuff. we have a lot of stuff.

i think when you`re moving you see clearly what your priorities are; the kitchen is pretty much moved and all the books that we had immediate access to. food and food for thought, pretty good priorities i think.

there are a couple things the rental company need to come fix forthwith but the apartment is very liveable. it seems like we have a lot of space now, but once all of our stuff is moved in i sense a lot of reorganisation to accommodate it all.

one of the things i`m looking forward to is combining the libraries. we have four 7` bookshelves which i think we have the ability to fill with ease. i know there is going to be some culling as there is some overlap and with our book buying moratorium in place, we can catch up on what we may have missed in our respective collections.

in other news there i`m also doing some reorganising on the site,  i`ve changed some of the categories, so i`m back-tracking to update entries to their appropriate categories, not an easy task with just over 800 entries. next week will be a year since i started here, i have to say looking back over the last 51 weeks, it`s been interesting.