Farewell Mr. Jobs

October 6, 2011 — 4 Comments

My boss died today. And although there are numerous more eloquent eulogies out there, I thought I’d add one more to the growing pile of accolades.

The first time I experienced Steve Jobs change the world I was covering the Macworld Expo in NY and he announced with some fanfare the floppy was dead and introduced the very first iMac. Over the years, I was fortunate to be present for quite a few keynote speeches and one of my favorite ‘One more thing moments’ was the Boss conceding that hockey puck mouse was not the greatest design and surprising everyone sitting in the keynote at the Javitz Center the brand new trackball less mouse.

Steve Jobs officially became my boss in May 2005 and in the last six years, from part-time on the sales floor to full time tech support, I’ve participated in the launch of four iPhones, two iPads, three operating systems, the transition from PowerPC to Intel. I’ve introduced people to devices that have changed their lives, I’ve helped them get back on track when their favorite device doesn’t quite do what they expected it to and showed them how make the computer they’ve had last just a little bit longer. I’ve empathized over lost papers and saved the documenting of entire first year of life.

Thank you Steve Jobs, for giving me and tens of thousands of retail employees the power to help people in whatever way we could. You didn’t hire each of us individually but your vision created the space for us to exist and I’m honored to have had you as my fearless leader.

4 responses to Farewell Mr. Jobs

  1. It’s sad to know he’s gone, but has left his mark forever.

Trackbacks and Pingbacks:

  1. Caribbean: Remembering the Genius of Steve Jobs · Global Voices - October 6, 2011

    […] diaspora techie and longtime Mac genius in his own right, CunningLinguist added: Steve Jobs officially became my boss in May 2005 and in the last six years, from part-time […]

  2. Caribbean: Remembering the Genius of Steve Jobs :: Elites TV - October 6, 2011

    […] diaspora techie and longtime Mac genius in his own right, CunningLinguist added: Steve Jobs officially became my boss in May 2005 and in the last six years, from part-time […]

  3. Caribbean Bloggers Remember the Genius – Steve Jobs | Jay Blessed Media - October 7, 2011

    […] diaspora techie and longtime Mac genius in his own right, CunningLinguist added: “Steve Jobs officially became my boss in May 2005 and in the last six years, from […]

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