the rest of my advice has no basis more reliable than my own meandering experience

October 6, 2004 — Leave a comment

the weather has started to get nippier and i`m liking it. i`m really looking forward to holidays, which is a kind of unfamiliar feeling for me as an adult. part of it, is how welcome vic`s family has made me feel. i`ve been to at least four gatherings since i`ve been here and that still hasn`t been one where all her siblings and their children have been there. just to help you conceptualise how big a family this is, vic is the second to last of eight and there is a niece or nephew graduating high school every year from now until 2018.

we`re having a small reception to celebrate our marriage this weekend and two of the siblings and their children wont be able to make it and it`s still close to 50 people including a handful of close friends.

growing up in a two person household makes me much more appreciative of large family gatherings and there are at least two more before the year is out. i`m looking forward to thanksgiving and christmas, the company is sure to be good and the food should be magnificent. vic`s mother spoils us, every weekend we go to visit we`re fed like kings particularly on sunday mornings when she gets up and makes waffles, from scratch. it`s a wonder i haven`t been putting on weight.

in other news, my probationary period at my job is now over, i`m a permanent staff member now and i have health insurance, what i`m paying to have vic and the boychick covered is a little steep but worth the peace of mind. it`s comforting to know we`re all covered. coming from socialised healthcare to PPOs and HMOs takes some adjustment.

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