spin this

October 18, 2004 — Leave a comment

there are two weeks left until this farce called election day and i have had enough. enough of the empty rhetoric, the empty promises and mostly peoples` blind willingness to accept what ever the party line is.

the cynic in me believes that the results of this election have already been decided in a board room somewhere, i would love to believe that the people that have registered and go out and conscientiously do their civic duty, do have a say in the process, but at the end of the day, politics is less about `we the people` and more about `the corporation knows what`s best.` i could be wrong, but i sincerely doubt it.

i can hope there is a change of leadership, if only for the singular reason that i don`t think religious beliefs and good governance don`t mix; if you can read this and tell me you don`t have a concern, i think you`ve had too much purple kool-aid. at the end of the day even if there is a change at the top i don`t think there is going to be much of a change in either foreign or domestic policy; the US is going to police the planet according to what serves the best interest of the corporations and people at home are going to continue to be marginalised and other people are going to take advantage of the system to the detriment of the majority of the tax payers.

is this worth not talking to your friends, neighbours or co-workers because their party affiliation is different from yours? i think not. in two week for good or ill this will all be over and no matter what the final decision, you`re going to have to live with it.

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