the ever changing seasons

September 22, 2004 — Leave a comment

time flies when you`re having fun. it`s hard to imagine that at this point last year, i had just resigned from a job i loathed and an employer i had no respect for and was having panic attacks.

i`ve been here, coming up on seven months, i`ve watched what passes for winter here, transition into spring, spring into summer and now summer into autumn. one stage of paperwork is done, i have a job, i`m supporting vic as she goes back to school and i am happy. not just content with where my life is, ecstatic. this is the happiest i`ve been in all my life. ever.

i think i`ve been afraid to voice it, because the gods are going to look at me at go, “hmmm, he`s too happy let`s make his life more difficult.”

we`re going to be struggling financially for some time to come, but i have a great deal of faith in vic`s talent and i`m willing to continue to struggle until she finishes school. there are people in worst circumstances than ourselves, we`re making enough money to keep ourselves housed and fed and make a stab at paying off our debt, besides it`s just money, right? but vic and i are in this together and that fact alone makes everything better.

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