movin! groovin! now i’m going to get up and do my thing

February 15, 2004 — Leave a comment

i moved out of my apartment yesterday. my lease was up. i`m crashing with a friend for the next two weeks.

i have to unpack today, but it`s really just an exercise in deciding what needs to be packed away properly and what i`m wearing for the next two weeks.

i have boxes to ship, but they have to be a certain weight and size and wrapped in brown paper, so i have to get smaller boxes to repack.

there is an air of surrealism about all of this. it`s what we`ve been waiting on for two years, i`m just still in awe that it`s all happening. in two weeks and a day, vic and i will be together.

i`m not sure if this is going to be the longest two weeks or the swiftest two weeks in creation. everytime i think about it, my skin tingles, my heart races and i seem to be at a loss for words.

i`m going to organise my bags, it`s strange how much stuff you manage to accumulate, i can pack the big bag today and get it out of the way, so the smaller bag will be laundry i use in the next two weeks.

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