and this is it

February 7, 2004 — Leave a comment

it`s 6am, still dark outside. i can look up and see the full moon. today i`m not so worried about being up at this hour, i have to do some cleaning up this morning and in about six and a half hours i`ll be boarding a flight to barbados.

i have everything that was requested, so in theory, all i have to do is show up in the embassy on monday morning and that should be the final step, baring getting on a flight to vic, on this epic three year journey.

i`m excited and anxious, but there is a degree of trepidation, i don`t know how we`d deal with one more thing. we have had a lot of support and  we feel blessed for and by it.

i know what i want to say but i`m a bundle of emotions and nervous energy, so i can`t seem to get it out in any coherent form.

i don`t know if i`ll get a chance to do update while i`m in barbados, i`ll try, otherwise i`ll just type them up anyway and post when i return.

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