Top Ten

December 31, 2003 — Leave a comment

i`ve decided i`m going to stay in tonight. i don`t feel like interacting with people and i don`t want to go out and be sullen and antisocial, i can do that in the comfort of my own apartment. the only person i want to see tonight is vic and that`s not happening.

but that`s not what this post is about, i`ve only been posting her nine months and i`ve gone from bitching about my shitty job and my long wait at the hands of bureaucracy, pointless post about nothing and quizzes and surveys to taking my writings here a lot more seriously in the last couple months.

since april 8 i`ve accumulated close to 700 posts and over 15,000 visitors, i want to thank you for putting up with me and i humbly offer my top ten post. i hope you enjoy them as much as i`ve enjoyed writing them and i hope to have you back next year.

10.please, thank, sorry, good day

wherein i opined on the lack of manners in society

9.and we have a tie, probably because these are related:

hipster pants are not for you and

my unsexy list

7.another tie, wherein the erstwhile blogger found out that writing here has repercussions

i did not have sexual relations with that woman

retractions and corrections

5.eos, rosy fingered goddess of the dawn

no particular reason other than i loved the opening paragraph

4.fucking like minx

in the midst of vic`s visit to trinidad, i still had people checking, so we decided i should post.

3.i used to cruise target

one of the first set of post when i started thinking about what i was writing, sums up some of the loneliness i`m experiencing now.

2.popularity, pissing contests and cries for attention

my contribution to the best of journalspace community.

1. my beautiful wordsmith

an ode to my wife, my joy, my happiness, my light.

i hope you`re happy with my choices, but feel free to roam around and let me know if i missed anything.

post script.

since starting this post, i`ve spoken to vic and she`s encouraged me to get out of the house. i`m off to see ROTK again and possibly attend a house party thrown by one of my co-workers.

thank you and good night. happy new year. peace, safety and blessings to you all.

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