Archives For December 2003

as the pendulum swings

December 3, 2003 — Leave a comment

sex has become a commodity and alternative lifestyles are becoming more accepted on a daily basis, yes there are hold outs but they`re becoming the minority as society appears to become more accepting.

my problem with this is the backlash. for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. and particularly when something gets embraced by popular culture. already the metrosexual backlash has started gaining momentum [something i`m somewhat grateful for], but how soon before faddish acceptance of alternative lifestyles, not just sexuality, but religion are knocked on their collective asses by the swing of the pendulum?

as a child, describing me as conservative would be polite, anal retentive and straight laced would be more accurate. i would chide my mother for cursing at other drivers on the road, i was regular churchgoer, an altar boy for close to five years, i didn`t just toe the line, i recommended where the line should be. look at me know, i`m sure my mother wonders where she went wrong. but that`s just the problem, she didn`t, the primary difference between keifel aged 0 – 14 and keifel today is the questions.

at some point in mid-teens i started asking difficult questions and when i couldn`t get satisfactory answers, i went looking for my own. i`m still looking.

as a society, it`s not about asking questions, it`s about fitting in, even if you disagree. the current fad is being non-conformist or fitting in oddly. and eventually this will change. because someone high enough on the food chain will decide this is what is good for the masses. with enough money and/or power you can control the thoughts of the masses.

mob mentality always ends in violence.

i can`t remember if i came up with this or if it`s something i read somewhere and forgot. individually you can reason with most human beings and convince them of a point but societies tend to be sheep willing to be lead. religiously, politically, economically we`re all lead.

i`m not an anarchist, i think there should be order and i think we need to be managed. but definitely not by people who are volunteering to do so, they always have their own agenda.

remember mr. snaffleburger says: CONFORM! CONSUME! OBEY!

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the sweet smell of success

December 2, 2003 — 1 Comment

i can smell my longing, at least i think i can. it`s almost tangible. i got up this morning and reached for vic, that was how real the scent was.

my sense of smell has always been fairly sensitive and it only gets better. one of the things about vic that has been imprinted onto my brain is how she smells. there are very few artificial scents on her.

i`m not against people who wear perfume, but it should be an accent, not overpowering. perfume shops give me an instant headache, the scents are like an out of tune orchestra playing at full volume. all it does is assail my senses.

sadly, we`ve fallen prey to advertisers who encourage us to hide our natural scent. i`m not saying don`t bathe, but understand that we smell the way we do for a reason.

which brings me to a point about pheromones, the body secretes this to help us attract our partners, it a genetic throwback and i think we should pay a little more attention to it. the same way we know food is bad i think we have it in our reptilian brain to know when someone is bad for us. i`m not talking about the general body odour can be helped with a bath, but something more visceral. we can sense it and we should pay attention to it.

as an extension, i also believe there is a scent you emit when you`ve been single and unhappy for a prolonged period, i call it the scent of desperation. i believe it starts developing a couple months into being single when you start to think that there isn`t someone is out there for you and you start dwelling on what could be wrong with you and relationships you`ve been in. as time passes it gets stronger and you fall into a vicious cycle, no one will go out with you because the can sense the desperation and you spend more time questioning your self-worth.

don`t believe me, look at from the other perspective from the time you`re content and settled [in anything], people start crawling out the woodwork, it`s like all of a sudden you`re the bees knees. but it`s really simple, they don`t call it the sweet smell of success for nothing.

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post script

December 1, 2003 — Leave a comment

or i knew there was something important i had to say.

[mounts pedestal]

today is world aids day.

do something positive.

get tested, buy some condoms for someone who is sexual active, march, participate.

HIV/AIDS is a global epidemic. it can happen to you, it can happen to some one you know.

fight aids @ home

[steps off pedestal]


December 1, 2003 — Leave a comment

the amount of kittens killed this weekend is amazing. particularly in light of the number of waking hours and time i spent in the actually apartment.

on saturday night a friend took me on a small tour of my immediate [at least 10 minutes by car] surroundings which included a visit to emancipation park and the contentiously endowed statues.  i have to say, having seen the statues, i`m not sure what all the furore is about, in terms of scale they appear to be appropriately proportioned. i guess it`s whole concept of a naked penis that seem to throw people.

on sunday, i cleaned and cooked, went to another supermarket, primarily to get out of the apartment but ended up getting some stuff. i found fruta guava pineapple and there was no way i was passing up an opportunity like that.

everything i`ve been doing has been coloured with a longing for vic, i`m enjoying myself here but it`s tempered by the fact that vic isn`t here with me. the physical longing is making it`s presence felt in waking and dreaming moments but it`s more than that, i want to be able to talk to her, i want to her to share my meals, i want to be in her presence. i read her post today and cried.

i`m married to this amazing woman and she wonders if she`s worthy of me, i think it`s the other way around. i`ve done so much shit in my life to be blessed with a woman of her stature. i am honoured.