the dreams are back

November 26, 2003 — Leave a comment

and my oh my, they are so lovely. it`s been a while since i`ve had one of those vivid dreams. and i`ve missed them.

i`m getting settled in and i`m realising it may be a little while again before i see vic. i priced tickets for everyone getting here for christmas and it wasn`t pretty. bringing the girls up from trinidad is JA$40K and vic and the boy chick is another JA$72K, so i`m realising it`s going have to be done in stages.

that however doesn`t stop the longing. i got up this morning and i could smell vic on the pillow. i want to cook her dinner on my sooty stove, scrunch up in the tiny shower and throw down on one of the single beds and cover her with kisses.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): \”Time porn\” is defined by as \”TV shows and other media that portray characters having excessive amounts of spare time, a thing we covet but cannot have.\” \”Seinfeld\” and \”Friends\” are especially obscene examples of this phenomenon. I`m hoping, Virgo, that in the coming weeks you will renounce any attraction you might have to this perverse form of vicarious enjoyment. Instead, fight and claw to procure for yourself the real thing: an abundance of free, unscheduled hours when you can sit around doing nothing in particular.

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