tabula rasa

November 13, 2003 — Leave a comment

i get to start again. next week is a new job in a place where i`m not very well know.

for a lot of people that`s coupled with a sense of dread, i look at it as an opportunity to make my mark somewhere else. i live in a country where six degree of separation has been depreciated to three if you`re lucky.

in my case, i believe it`s as little as one. it`s going to be good to get away from that, at least for a while.

i`m not kidding myself that i`ll be completely anonymous, but my profile will be a lot lower, at least for a while.

i get to start afresh. new job, new apartment, new place. the sense of adventure is palpable. it`s an adventure.

before i go on, i got side-tracked by an article i was reading about how panther renders text, but even for newbies this is a really interesting read about typograhpy [go read, what are you waiting for?]

now, where was i? adventure. strangely most of aspects in my life, i`m pretty stick in the mud.

food, i find something i like, i`ll order it again and again. it`s almost monotonous to eat out with me. kind of sad in retrospect.

i`m not an adventurous dresser, well there is the sarong, but that`s just comfortable. otherwise my wardrobe is positively monochromatic.

but mention the word, travel, my heart races, i start planning. i don`t even think it`s the being there, it`s just the planning and airports.

all that aside i`m really looking forward to this, the fact that vic three hours away by air and within budget of my salary is icing on the cake.

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