true beauty

October 7, 2003 — Leave a comment

i`ve been fortunate enough in my long term relationships to be involved with some truly stunning women.

i guess you could say i have a type, if you can call it that. it`s all in the posture. i lean towards statuesque women, but not just big for the sake thereof. but women who were strong and confident in their own bodies.

it`s all in the shoulders. you can see it from the very first time you meet them. one of my pet peeves are women who slouch, you can see it in the slumped shoulders, bad, bad form. the women i`m attracted to stand proudly chin up, shoulders thrown back, powerful in their womanhood.

i consider myself blessed to have been able share these in these lives.

and now i have vic who embodies everything i find desirable. i call her my equal but i think i may be blowing my own horn a bit. she`s brilliant, beautiful, talented, funny. i may be some of these things but i think vic far exceeds all these qualities in me.

victoria is a true beauty. she is kind, generous, loving, thoughtful, an amazing all round person and i`m glad she`s part of my life. even apart the thought of her gets me through each day, makes my heart sing and gives me the strength to face each day with the certainty that we will be together.

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